The Aftermath

Meantime, back in the Himalayan Mountains of the Shaolin Monastery, following Rin's recent endeavor to imprint the primordial embryo of Yin and Yang into his mind with the help of Rose.

Who got suspended from all her System duties for a month, due to abusing her status to help a Quasi System User earn an achievement. That was not even registered as the man of the hour passed out with his father only noticing a couple minutes afterward because Rin is not usually this quiet.

Along with the fact, that no matter what he, the Abbot, or the monks of the monastery did they could not wake up him.


Until a few days later….

"Rin... Rin... Rin..."

"Hmm… hmm… hmmm…"

"Thank God you're alright so, what happened?!" Adam asked with a sigh of relief since if this persisted any longer, he did not know what would tell Crystal once they returned.

"Well… um, I think I got a bit greedy," Rin coughed as he sat up with the help of his father.

"Rin… please don't tell me you tried to remember the marks upon the Kitsune's astral body?"

"… I am sorry, I did not mean to cause you unneeded stress, Dad… I just thought since I was able to remember one, I could remember them all," Rin replied with a nervous grin even though he managed to remember all ten primordial marks.

"Well, I can't blame you for trying as it was partially my fault for not warning you of the dangers of glancing at a cultivator's soul during Transcendence. But that's the past now, so moving forward just exercise caution and think before you act, Rin as this could have been much worse."

"I will, Dad… so, since we moved past that, can I get something to eat as I'm quite famished," Rin asked as his stomach rumbled causing his dad to burst into laughter.

"HAHA! Of course, just give me a few minutes as I will tell one of the monks to make you something delicious to eat!"


Meanwhile, in Multiverse X: Sector 7 – Planet 9 (Pago) within a Techno Metropolis World where robots were Gods and Mechs defended the Realm from Invaders, there existed a floating continent high above the clouds where the rulers of this world resided.

Within a fortress made of synthetic diamond neon bricks that were connected to a cluster of smaller floating palaces and various buildings. 

"Sigh, so what did your father do now, my precious flower?" George Silveira, Rose's grandfather, and the Creator of the System asked as he leaned on his throne.

Wearing a semitransparent suit that outlined his lean yet fit body while he inspected a holographic projection of Rin Kurama Jasper. Which displayed his profile along with some sensitive information about his past and tad bits of his future.

'Tsk, just what was that bucket of bolts thinking, when he made my niece bind with this god-awful child?! Cursed by the Heavens yet protected by Hell, a being who should not even exist is now bound to my legacy.' George thought with displeasure at his son's recent actions.

Yet all Rose saw was a ruler who was not one bit impressed by her father's pick, or the man she began to grow feelings for even though she knew it was just a disguise to keep Rin in check. 

"Grandpa, I know he doesn't fit the requirements, but could he be listed as a future candidate?" Rose asked as she kneeled before her grandfather.

"Stand up child! Now Rose while the kid has potential, he is not worthy of your hand, or the honor of being a System Holder so just what in God's green earth would make you ask me something so foolish, my dear?" Her grandfather asked calmly as he looked up and stared into the mechanical eyes of his niece. 

Which sparkled like diamonds as he tried to discern whether she understood the weight of what she was asking since this decision of hers could potentially lead to both her and this unknown kid dying.

"Sigh, I guess could add one last candidate, but give me one good reason as to why I should jeopardize the chance of the other candidates?" Her grandfather asked with a smile as he gave in to Rose's proposition.

"I believe he could one day lead us to Origin!" She stated confidently aware of the consequences her words could have if Rin failed to achieve such a thing.

"Oh… now, this is interesting, so do you also hold such a belief, my son? Or have you become lenient in your teachings as even your youngest daughter dears to make promises she cannot keep nor accomplish!" George shouted as he glared at his son awaiting a response as he stood next to his daughter.

"I don't, however, it never hurts to believe as who knows… maybe he actually could take us to Origin one day," Rose's Dad, James replied mysteriously to his father as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay, well then since he's so talented…. Hopefully, he manages to become an Emperor before the age of thirty, or else you are marrying that boy from the Wither family and that's final, Rose!" George shouted as he stood up and signaled for both to leave his sight.


Earlier that day back in the Celestial Realm….

Simultaneously just as the hand pierced the barrier it seemed as if a nuke had detonated as a sonic boom resounded throughout the Ming kingdom like a thunderclap. Awakening a few devils from their hibernations on the other side of a gigantic barrier that divided the Celestial realm in half.

Separating the Angels from the Devils as a massive mushroom cloud engulfed the entire Ming kingdom in blue particles. Which buzzed like bees once they were angered as a shockwave of bluish light spread from the center of the Ming Kingdom. 

Where a shrine could be seen floating in the air as arcs of lightning swirled around it while the shockwave toppled everything in its path like a lawnmower as floating palaces dropped from the sky like missiles. 

While citizens from neighboring kingdoms and reclusive experts in the distance watched in awe and horror, as the once formidable and illustrious Ming Kingdom became something akin to a tall tale.

Following its gradual collapse before their eyes like dominoes following the destruction of various arrays as they shattered into specks of multicolored snowflakes. That told the tale of a once mighty and prosperous kingdom before its destruction due to tiny blue particles.

However, as that went on a couple of devils began to open their eyes causing the world to shake and tremble as the sky darkened. W while clouds made of blood and acid appeared in the firmament causing the barrier that separated the two worlds to dim.

Forcing the various experts who were once spectators to shiver as fear manifested in their hearts as they rushed toward the barrier. Upon noticing the changes occurring on the other side of the Celestial Realm to stop the awakening of those sleeping catastrophes. 

Who slumbered all year long like a piece of wood within a place of darkness and carnage, where death is your next-door neighbor, becoming the perfect den for the most sinister and heinous criminal in all the Cosmos.

However, even they dared not to wake up those devils from their slumbers as even Reincarnated Divine Lords were wary of their might. Lucky the Ming Ancestor awoke in time from his blood chamber and managed to activate the ancestral array buried within the dragon vein beneath their kingdom. 

Causing a gigantic runic array comparable to a Nine Star-Demon Array to manifest in the skies above the Ming Kingdom as it began to absorb the remnants of a weakened Heaven's Glory.

That was enraged due to Zeus' actions leading to the Ming Ancestor having to use his cultivation to stop the disaster from killing the rest of his descendants. Which caused some of the old war wounds he tried so hard to heal for the last 5,000 years to reopen.

But that is beside the point, as after a couple of minutes he managed to reverse the situation and preserve whatever remained of their legacy. After, all the work his predecessors put in to transform this once simple village into a renowned kingdom.

However, while the Ming family lamented their current situation and the loss of their home, no one noticed the disappearance of Apollo and David along with the shrine.

Which disappeared moments later after Zeus returned to his dwelling before flashing away like a bolt of lightning. As he took whatever remained of his bloodline, leaving behind a vacant stretch of blackened and brittle land.

However, the Ming family was too focused on trying to reclaim their losses in the shortest time possible to notice such an insignificant event. Along with the unfortunate news their Ancestor was about to die from his recent actions which crippled the dragon vein and sped up his death.

Truly, an unfortunate set of events yet the show must go on…