Repercussions - Part 2

15 minutes later…


"Umm, Aunty is it a convenient time, for me to meet with you?" Gabriella asked before stepping back and awaiting a response.

5 minutes later...

'Just what is taking her so long? I hope she is not mad at me as I know she usually only allows me entry between 7-8 am, anything later and I will lose my allowance for a month,' Thought Gabriella as she was beginning to have a panic attack as she waited frantically outside her aunt's office.

While contemplating what her judgment would be this time around as she paced back and forth, 'No that cannot be it as I am Aunt's favorite, so surely, she would not do that to me right? But what if that is the reason, she is not responding to my question… sigh, if only I did not have to meet with those spoiled brats!'

Gabriella shouted internally as she stomped her petite feet on the ground, shattering the pavement beneath her in the heat of the moment.

After, accidentally using a bit more force than intended, during which the door to her aunt's office opened with a click.

"Fuck aunty is going to~" Gabriella muttered, 'Rin... I am starting to believe you are my bane, so please just kill yourself, so I would not have to deal with these headaches.' 

She thought as she temporarily disregarded the mess she made and took a step towards her death sentence, "It seems your busy at the moment Aunty, so I'll see you later!" Gabriella said the minute she saw the scene behind the door and did a 180-degree turn and ran away.

'Just what the… forget it, that is none of my business as there is a big problem waiting for me, the longer I stay-" Gabriella thought after taking a sneak peek and seeing her aunty laid out on her desk naked with a satisfied smile plastered on her face.

Meanwhile, a murky white substance leaked from her... as one of her boy toys could be seen lying on the ground exhausted.

However, before Gabriella could even get away, she heard her aunt's voice from behind the now-closed office door, "Nonsense, Gabriella! What type of question is that of course it is convenient for my munchkin, to visit me, just give me like 5 minutes ss I did not realize we would take that long!" said Eveline with a giggle as she thought about what transpired these last 20 minutes.

"Huh, wait what did you?!" asked Gabriella as she did not catch the last part.

'Aww, just thinking about it is getting me wet again,' Eveline smiled as she reminisced about Mattew's actions from when he lifted her body up and mercilessly drilled her. Before slamming it on her desk and putting her in a missionary position where he transitioned from deep quick strokes to long and… as he choked her and…'

"Sigh, if only he had a bit more stamina and more girth, it would have been just perfect like when… Enough, Eveline, he isn't yours anymore remember," She muttered a bit disappointed that ever since she and Adam broke up, she couldn't find anyone who could satisfy her the way Adam did.

But that was a topic for another time as she snapped her fingers and cleaned up her office before proceeding to open the door.

'Is Aunty seeing someone... but I thought she... Gasp, could I have just stumped upon the discovery of a century? - (Breaking News: The Thousand Masked Empress has a Sneaky Link!)'

"Gabriella, get your head out of the gutters before I freeze your credit card for the rest of the month, until admission day."

"Wait, wait… I was just joking, Aunty! Please, do not freeze my account No!"

"Hmph!" Eveline only said as Gabriella dashed into her office and closed the door behind her.


Meanwhile, in the Shinobi Clan's medical bay…

"Hmmm, did someone just curse me?" muttered Rin as he tried to open his eyes, yet they just would not budge.

[Use Heart Mantra to gather energy from your surroundings before circulating it throughout your body as your body still hasn't recovered from the assimilation of that foreign energy.]

'Thanks, Rose, however, just what happened as my mind kind of went blank during the period after I succeeded in using Destructive Void and before I had that brief talk with Jake's Master.' Rin asked as he used Heart Mantra causing the abundant energy within his surroundings to surge toward his room.


Before it was swiftly drawn into Rin's body, refined, and then circulated throughout his body after

[Hmm, so you were possessed during that brief... Hopefully, he did not leave a fragment of his consciousness within your Soul Palace, Rin.]

'Wait, I was possessed? How?!' Rin exclaimed as during that time, he just felt overpowered and slightly deranged as if someone had…

"Damn… I really am careless," Rin sighed for if it were not for Orion's timely help, things could have been much worse for him.

[Well, to be honest, it was a semi-possession as your body is too weak to harbor the power of an Ancient Empyrean, Rin. However, while dangerous you did gain a new quest and some nifty things which could help make your future walk easier.]

'At least, I gained something from the incident… also, what about the First System Mission?' Rin asked as he did not remember completing it, 'Oh, and if possible, is there a chance I could review my memories of the Shinobi Clan's Annual Marriage Competition?'

[Due to influences outside your control, Amy made an exception and allowed you to receive partial credit, so you will only be getting half of the rewards issued. Also, while possible you would have to let me run a diagnosis and gain permission from the higher-ups, so that might take a while.]

 'That's fine by me,' replied Rin as he glanced through his status and noticed some changes to his profile.

[Oh, and during your nap, I took the time out to input your attributes, so remember to thank me later!]


Current Host: Rin Kurama

Age: 15

Cultivation Realm: Demonic Cultivator [Level 0] Exp: 0/10,000

Strength: 52/100

Dexterity: 52/100

Intelligence: 52/100

Constitution: 52/100

Vitality: 52/100

Charisma: 20 [Max]

Affinity: Light Tier 1 [10%], Darkness Tier 1 [10%], Fire Tier 1 [50%], Water Tier 1 [30%], Earth Tier 1 [30%], Wind Tier 1 [50%], Space [0.1%], Destruction [0.1%], and Death [0.1%] -[Eligible for entry into Ether!]

Law: Nothingness [0.1%], Destruction [0.05%], Yin-Yang, Space [0.05%], and Death [0.01%]

Bloodlines: Archangel [???] and [???]

Assimilation: ??? [0%]

Skills: Elemental Manipulation, Heart Mantra, Immortal Body, Creation of the 9 Worlds [Locked], Destructive Void [Locked], Domain, Shadow Steps, Imprint, Burst, and Gargantuan Drive

Weapon Mastery: Scythe Apprentice [10/10] and Sword Expert [0/10]

Spirit Sign: Libra (Goddess Themis)

Soul Rank: Mutated [???]

Inventory: Scythe of Destruction, Mastery Chest 4x, Broken Tablet, Dragon Eye, and Star Shadow

Titles: Destroyer of the Cosmos, Forsaken, Mutated Entity, Survivor of Heaven's Wrath, Disciple of Themis, Emperor
