Repercussions - Part 4

Yet while this was going on, Rose was trying to bargain with someone for a scroll as Rin continued to try and decipher what happened during the period of Goliath's summoning and Orion's intervention.

"Are you sure? As once you make a deal with the Devil, there is no backing out partner, Keke!" A mysterious man in an all-white suit, wearing a half-crying smiling mask said as he bowed slightly and opened his hand revealing a tattered parchment scroll.

That unraveled itself and floated in the air, filling the white room they were in with obscure runes as little rose petals flicked across the scrolls' surface. Something Rose did not notice at first as they were quite faint and blended perfectly with the parchment paper.

Also, this place they were in was an exclusive miniature pocket world, available to both System Users and System Personnel who acquired a CL - 3 (Clearance Level 3).

"Yes, but only on one condition you must give me the core of an intact False Angel, who has a trace of demonic heritage," Rose said as she took out the heart of an Overlord Beast and tossed it toward Billy.

"Hmm, okay I'll have what you requested in about a year, however, do be warned if you don't hold up your end of the bargain… your soul and cultivation are mine, Keke." The mysterious individual said after catching the heart and placing it in a wooden box.

"I know, O Billy the Trickster of Havana and Gatekeeper of Contracts! So, before you begin to ramble about how amazing you are can you just tell me, what my grandfather is doing?" asked Rose as she could not afford to hear another one of his speeches.

"Sigh, well it's been a pleasure doing business with you," The mysterious man said as he handed Rose the scroll, "Well besides your grandfather meeting Elizabeth every month, I heard he seems to be heading to the Wither family a lot more often to discuss marriage and some agreement."

Billy said as he glanced at Rose, before disappearing in a puff of smoke as he left to go meet up with other clients and fellow travelers.

"Fuck! J… J-Just why cannot he let me breathe, if it is not one thing it is the other. Life truly is a bitch," shouted Rose as she punched the wall in front of her causing it to tremble before it returned to its previous state.


'Sigh, there is no point in being mad, Rose for you should already know the personality of your grandfather. Hopefully with this Rin will have a chance to reach God Emperor before the age of thirty,' Rose thought as she disappeared from the white room with a scroll clenched in her hand, which would bring Rin an opportunity big enough to make even a Creator move.


20 minutes later…

"Just the fuck happened here?!" Eveline shouted upon walking into Rin's medical bay with her assistant and niece, with an expression of disgust mixed with disbelief.

As if she had just walked into a morgue filled with rotting corpses, yet what appeared before her was the resting face of our sleeping prince. The same guy Gabreilla cursed earlier yet now could not stop looking at as he slept peacefully.

Surrounded by cream navy blue walls, which had pieces of abstract art scattered across its walls, however, those were not the main attractions of the room if we were to disregard Rin.

But Stuart and Violet, the two Lower God-ranked guards meant to protect Rin until he woke up. Who were now standing only a few meters away from Rin's bed, petrified with horrified facial expressions as if they had seen some unspeakable horror.

But if someone were to observe the room closely, they would notice that besides the two bodies, everything else within the room was left untouched.

Even the various machines hooked to Rin to keep him healthy were still working perfectly fine.

"Gabriella snap out of it! So, Ashley, what were you saying?" Eveline asked after noticing her niece's actions before gazing at her assistant. 

"S… S-Sorry Aunty, it won't happen again!" stuttered Gabriella as a blush crept upon her face as she realized just how close to Rin's face. Without her even realizing it as if she had been bewitched, which resulted in her immediately running out of the room in embarrassment.

"Um, well... the spies we stationed a distance away from the guards of the Kurama family just woke up," replied Ashely after receiving a message from one of the nearby nurses as Gabriella left the room.

"Oh, well then get someone to gather information from them before Rin's parents come and ask what happened. Since it is not every day someone manages to break into the Shinobi Clan without alerting any of the guards or elders."

"I'll get right to it," Ashley said as she bowed slightly and left the room to confront the spies stationed nearby who may have witnessed what happened. Which were located down the hallway to another medical bay that had a black wooden cross hanging on its door, which usually signifies how important the person within the room was to the Shinobi Clan.

Yet for the moment, it was being used as a temporary resting place for the two shadow guards, Eveline stationed near Rin's medical bay, who were the ones responsible for notifying Eveline of this incident.

After hearing a scream during their usual check-up, followed by an intense flash of light that appeared out of nowhere from Rin's room or so they thought. But they were not 100% sure as they were quite a distance from the area and only got a glimpse of it before they lost consciousness. 

During this someone or something destroyed all the surveillance cameras within the area, what a coincidence, huh?

Nevertheless, even though that happened nothing was lost or stolen during this period except some memories. Considering none of the other spies located farther away from the area reported any suspicious movement.

Beep... Beep... Beep...

"Yes, Ashley?" said Eveline as she tapped a miniature walkie-talkie within her ear which resembled an Air Pod, hidden underneath her hair.

"Um… one of the guards is claiming they heard someone's voice, and it seems some of their memories from that period have been expunged just like our other spies stationed nearby."

'Hmm, so someone did break into our residence, but for what and just what were they doing in Rin's medical bay?' Eveline thought, "Thanks for the report, Ashley now could you please return to Rin's medical bay as we have guests due to arrive at any moment now."

"Yes, madam, I'll be there shortly, just give me a few minutes to clean up," Ashely replied with a giggle.

"Okay well then I'll see shorty…" replied Eveline with a sigh as tapped her walkie-talkie, ending the call whilst wondering just what Ashley could be doing, 'Hopefully, she is not conducting another one of her torture parodies… my prayers go out to anyone who had to survive through that ordeal.'