Bloodline Awakening - Part 3

Half an hour later...

After everything calmed down and the ancestral temple returned to its dilapidated state, Jack thanked Penelope for her service. Before summoning one of the shadow guards stationed nearby to escort her back to Santa Monica, the headquarters of Saint Mary Church.

In case, anyone tried to attack their distinguished guest or make a connection between the phenomenon and the Kurama Clan. However, upon their departure, from the back mountains of the clan, a beam of light shot into the sky as the voice of the Grand Elder summoned all elders for a mandatory meeting.

This excluded Adam and Crystal, as they just got back from Zero Chi and needed time to discuss Rin's future and plan out how they should proceed with his training and education.


Sometime later…

Within one of the underground rooms of the Kurama Clan, a meeting was currently being held in session that revolved around the recent Bloodline Awakening Ceremony of Rin.

"What transpired this night can never be told to a soul, is that clear! No matter what happens in the future, or else each of you shall be deemed a traitor and killed on sight," Jack shouted as he gazed around the room taking in the faces of everyone in attendance.

"Yes, Vice Elder!" Everyone shouted in unison before one of the elders stood up and glanced at Jack.

"While that may be true, Jack… how do you suppose we stop people from gossiping and trying to guess, who from the Kurama Clan had their bloodline awakening ceremony today?" The elder asked since from the moment the Grand Priest of Saint Mary appeared at our doorstep this morning, everyone throughout Asia already knew a clansman of there's was going to have their bloodline awakened today just not who.

Plus, with just a bit of digging and some common sense, eventually, someone will begin to connect the dots and realize that it was Rin, who caused the phenomenon as it wasn't a secret that Adam and Crystal just had their baby.

"He does have a point, Jack… however, what if we can find a way to maybe hide Rin's bloodline awakening from the ears of the other eight families? Until he grows strong enough to at least protect himself."

"Agreed, but there are only a few options that'll allow for us to accomplish such a task and they aren't pretty," Kane said with a sigh as they would have to purge the virus which has taken root within their territory if they want to live peacefully for a few years.

"There is one way… however, y'all might not like it as it requires us to recite the Bushido Code," Jack uttered slowly as the room got dead silent, and fear appeared on everyone's faces.

"J…J-Jack you can't be serious as you know what happened, the last time someone signed a contract with that devil!" One elder shouted as they glared at Jack with fear as they got up and tried to run out of the room.

Yet their efforts were futile as just when they thought they were safe, they slammed into a transparent wall and got paralyzed as a sword chopped off their head and blood tainted the walls red.

"Sigh, just why must all newly appointed elders be such idiots?" Jack commented as he wiped his sword clean and sheathed it, "So does anyone else want to leave?"

"…" Everyone.

"Well, since there are no more volunteers let's get this over with and go to bed," Jack said as everyone got into a circle and began to recite the Bushido Code, a mantra based upon the Eight Virtues of a Samurai which is claimed to be the work of a Devil worshipper turned Buddha.

So, as they recited the code viper-like threads of sliver wire began to appear from the ground. Before coiling around their bodies, constricting them in place just as a vague shadow rose from the center of the room chuckling menacingly with a scepter.

That it slammed it onto the ground, conjuring a cloud of black mist that surged into their bodies and left behind a tattoo resembling the Rod of Asclepius on everyone's necks. Which would immediately kill them if they tried to break the code, leading to their souls being devoured by the Bushido, in case anyone tried to tell another soul about Rin's bloodline awakening ceremony.


Meanwhile, after leaving the temple Adam and Crytal began to walk to their house, which was a simple three-story home that was fully furnished and had a more modern aesthetic appeal to it. Which suited the environment and ambiance they wanted to raise their son.

Click. Thud.

Immediately upon arrival, Adam ran up to their room and jumped into the bed completely forgetting to take off his shoes as he went to sleep with his feet dangling off the bed and his head planted in the sheets.

Leaving Crystal in disbelief as she could only shake her head and let out a soft giggle, before walking to the room right across from theirs and placing Rin in his crib. Just before she went and took a long and relaxing bath which lasted about 30 minutes as she took this time out to just relax and submerge in the water.

However, just as she walked out and changed into her pajamas it was game over from there the minute her head touched the pillow and she instantly fell asleep. Never to wake up until the next day, by her annoying husband, Adam.