Weapon Affinity - Part 1

"So, Rin… are you ready to assess your weapon affinity today and acquire a weapon worthy of your potential?" Crystal asked with a smile as she sat down followed by Maze, who had dreamy hazel eyes, curly brunette hair, and was wearing a black hoodie with gray sweats and white crocs. 

"Sigh, somewhat I guess… hopefully, during the assessment, I'm chosen by either a sword or a spear," He stated as he shrugged his shoulders, before taking out his phone and messaging Timmy that he would not be able to watch the new Hollow movie with him.

// Sorry, Tim but I will not be able today is the day I evaluate my weapon affinity. But do tell me how it was. //

// It is all right, Rin as I would not be able to go either considering my father planned for me and my siblings to go on a camping trip. //

// Damn… well, then good luck and stay safe, Timmy. //

// You, Rin! //

"Hmm, while a spear may sound practical, your best bet would be to try and gain the approval of a sword or at least a saber as they work best with our families' techniques. But don't let my commentary stop you from picking a weapon that best suits the path you plan to take, Rin." 

Crystal uttered after giving it some thought and remembering that the Kurama Clan's Weapon Hall was a bit special, so even though she might have said all this in the end, it was not up to her but Rin to gain the approval of the hall.

"I'll keep that in mind, Mom," Rin replied as he took out a pair of beats from his multi-K and put them on before surfing through his playlist for a song that would suit his mood today and pressing play.

'Sigh, so if I'm not chosen by a sword or a saber, just what weapon would best suit my fighting style?'

[A scythe to be honest or gauntlets, since both would complement your wild but elegant fighting style.]

'Gauntlets, I could see as I love the feeling of pummeling something into a pulp, but why a scythe though?'


'Destiny, huh?' Rin pondered as he could not fathom how destiny played a part in the weapon he chose. However, before he could ask Rose to explain how Destiny impacted the choice he made today. 

Maze flicked his forehead as she pointed at Cherry, who could be seen using her qi to transport a bunch of trays from the kitchen to the outdoor dining table.

"Thanks, Maze even though you could have just told me breakfast was ready," Rin complained as he rubbed his forehead.

"You're welcome!" Maze smiled before sitting back down as she stared at Rin for a moment before looking away as she shook her head.

'Sigh, while strong his awareness is horrible… just what does master see in him that he could be deemed the Chosen One?' Maze thought as she began to eat breakfast while watching a movie.


20 minutes later…

After eating their fill, it was finally time for Maze to leave as she had classes to attend and for Crytal to take Rin to go assess his weapon affinity at the Kurama Clan's Weapon Hall. Which was located at the heart of the town just a mile away from the clan's compound.

"So, are you ready, Rin?"


"Well, then grab a hold of my hand and don't panic as Mommy is going to teleport us to the heart of the Kura Town, okay," Crystal informed Rin as it was starting to get late, and Adam would be returning anytime soon to take Rin on his first adventure.

"Okay, Mommy," Rin replied as he held her hand tightly.

Snap! Whoosh!

"You can open your eyes, Rin as he already reached our destination," Crystal stated surprising Rin as he thought it would take them a bit longer until they reached the town.

Yet, contrary to his expectations it didn't even take a minute, as he opened his eyes and saw them standing in an open space of a dome-like building. Where a statue of their ancestor Chisho Kurama could be seen standing tall with a smile as he held the skull of a demon in his palm.

'Hmm, now if I remember correctly, I should…' Crystal thought as she approached the statue and followed the steps Adam told her earlier to get to the weapon hall, "Once you reach the statue, both you and Rin should say our creed before sticking yours and his fingers into the eye sockets of the skull, allowing it to confirm identities and you should be fine afterward."

"Hopefully, this works," Crystal muttered, "Now Rin, before we can assess your affinity, you have to complete a small task, do you think you can do it?"


"Okay, then repeat after me," Crystal smiled as she and Rin began to recite the Kurama Creed, "To live is to die, and to die is to live; as life is death and death is life." 

Before swiftly sticking both her finger and Rin's into the skull, causing it to glow red briefly as the central hall began to rumble. Revealing a passage that spiraled downward as torches lit one after another as they began their descent into the darkness carefully. 

This led them to a door that had the words, "to die or to live" hung above it as if to warn them of danger that may lurk beyond this point. If they dared take a risk and ventured into the unknown, even though Crystal knew it was just a prank and that there existed a miniature pocket world behind the door.

"So, Rin do you dare open the door and venture into the unknown?" Crystal asked mysteriously as she left the choice up to her son as it was a good indication of how he would approach future situations.

"Hmm, why not... as what would be the point of living, if you don't take a risk once in a while," Rin smiled as he approached the door and twisted its knob before walking in confidently; to only get his hopes up for nothing as he realized the door transported them to a pocket world made of clouds. 

Where a pagoda stood silently as it exuded an indescribable feeling of simplicity yet complexity as the words "Weapon Hall of Legends" were written upon it in gold. 

"So, you've finally arrived… oh, Son of Prophecy, Bringer of Destruction and wielder of both Scythe and Sword." An aged voice whispered causing Rin to shudder as he sensed the feeling of death for the first time in a long time.

[Warning! Warning! Warning!]

[Strange presence detected! Do not at any cost anger the entity… I repeat do not at...]

"Hmm, so you've chosen to be used as fuel… no wonder, Elizabeth hasn't sensed your presence yet and dragged you back to that God-awful realm. Sigh, but while great it also means we must now safeguard… a ticking time bomb, just waiting to explode and devour us all." The voice said to itself as it examined Rin, not paying heed to the fear he had instilled into the boy.

"Casper, stop scaring the boy and allow him to enter the hall!" Crystal shouted as she could not allow this old spirit to tease her son any longer.

"Tsk, no fun… but do be warned my dear only a man, who has seen the Reaper's true face can be granted a chance to wield his weapon. So do be wary of the consequences of raising such an existence." The voice replied with annoyance as it materialized before them as a transparent figure, who could be seen leaning against the pillar closest to them.

While contemplating whether to allow Rin entry into this sacred treasure trove of wonder, 'Fuck it… the Cosmos needs a Reaper, so why not let Rin Kurama Jasper, be the Forsaken Sinner of our generation! Hopefully, the kid does not die before his destiny can be fulfilled as I would pay top dollar to see that bitch be put to rest.'

"Well, it was nice meeting you Rin, but time waits for no man, so good luck!" Casper shouted as he smiled menacingly before waving his hand and throwing Rin into the pagoda.