Orientation - Part 3

45 minutes later...

And with just a little under a mile left to uncover before they entered the gates of Forbidden Blood to meet their future comrades and professors for the next 4 years of their lives. It was finally time for the true story to begin…

A story of love, vengeance, and so much more, but as they say, 'an ending is never an ending, just the beginning of a new chapter in our lives'.

"Hey, nincompoop! We are about to arrive soon so I would recommend you wake up," Maze whispered into Rin's ear as she leaned before giggling, "As our homeroom teacher should be on his way to greet us any time now." 

She said as if she could already imagine, the headache Rin would have just dealing with the man known as Nico Rodriguez. An outcast turned orphan who against all odds rose to providence, following his father's disownment of him, due to being the cause behind his wife's death.

"Tsk… thanks for the heads up," Rin said with a yawn as he did a slight stretch, 'Sigh, so we finally arrived, huh?' 

"Oh, and do please be on your best behavior, Rin, as rumors are circulating that he preys on young disobedient teens impersonating men," Maze said unexpectedly as she stressed the last three words of her statement as if she just remembered something important.

"Hmm, while trickly…. I guess this would be a suitable time to depart," Rin muttered as he gazed briefly at the figure quickly approaching them on a raincloud as grayish light revolved around them, "Welp, thanks Felicia for the ride, and Maze please don't cause any trouble while I'm gone and I'll see you all at orientation, bye."

He said with a smile as he stood up and nodded towards Nico, before spreading his arms wide and free-falling from Igor's back as he let the wind rustle through his hair. While he pummeled to the ground like a meteorite entering Earth's atmosphere.

"Aww, just why can't life be like this… a moment of utter freedom and weightlessness, where nothing exists except you and the air until you hit rock bottom and die." Rin chuckled before unsealing a portion of his cultivation and using Shadow Step to traverse the realm of shadows to escape the clutches of Nico.

While also making use of this time to create and catch up with new and old friends, under the disguise of being afraid to meet Prof. Nico. 

Zap. Swoosh.

Just as the man of the hour arrived and asked a simple question with a smile, "Did someone call my name?" 

Nico asked with a chuckle, as he wiped his hair back after, rushing over immediately following the return of his #1 student and prized possession. The moment they bypassed the school's barrier and entered the school grounds.

"I don't believe so... but could I maybe ask you a question, Prof. Nico?" Maze asked curiously as she glanced at the man who singlehandedly revived the path of magic and brought it to newer heights. 

"Sure, however, please do refrain from asking me anything too personal as I've kind of had enough of teens asking me if I'm single or looking for a new assistant," Nico replied with a sigh as he gazed at Maze before boarding Igor, after dispelling the raincloud he conjured.

'Hmm, so this should be Maze St. Monroe Kurama, considering there's a faint reddish aura she has that's similar yet slightly different as compared to Felicia,' Nico thought as he remembered the list of names given to him yesterday morning by the vice principal, 'But wait if Maze is here where's the other person from the Kurama Clan, who should be attending FB this year as well?'

He wondered before putting the matter on the back burner for now as Maze was about to ask him her question.

"Um, okay... so when does orientation start, Prof. Nico? Oh, and can I please drop the honorifics as saying professor sounds a little too respectful and demanding for someone, who is just seven years older than me? Also, when will the Student Ranking Competition occur?"

 She asked politely even though had a hunch it would occur sometime in February, after all the teachers have collected enough data on the students and those who are less talented could have time to catch up with the elites. 

Since most high schools either begin their student ranking competition, after the first week or first month of school. Following the announcement of the initial rankings at orientation, which is also the time most club presidents make their appearances and entice newcomers to join their "worthy" cause.

"Whatever floats your boat," Nico said with a shrug, "Just don't call me anything out of pocket, also, if I am being honest, the student ranking competition won't be happening until a month or two from now. However, orientation is another matter since it does not start for another 30 minutes, so I would recommend you check out the campus and maybe make some new friends to pass the time until then."

"Well, then thank you, Nico! Oh, and I do hope, I will not be too much of to manage for a prodigy such as yourself, as I have heard I can be a bit intrusive and excessive. But anywho thanks for the recommendation, and I hope you have a wonderful evening, Prof. Nico! You too, Felicia and Igor!" Maze smiled sweetly as she said goodbye, after hopping off Igor and slipping away into the crowd happily while humming a soft melody.

'Well, that was interesting... so it seems the Kurama Clan has raised another talent, who has a type S bloodline with a bit of mastery in both the arcane and mystic laws? But her foundation seems a bit odd as instead of being refined and compressed into an orb, that would eventually break and transform into an inner core and finally a True World. Her core is in a constant state of destruction and creation due to some sort of pinkish mist that outlines her Soul Palace… yet, while fascinating, I am more curious about the second bloodline she carries which seems to still be dormant. Sadly, she is not my disciple or someone I know well, so I cannot help her in that regard.'

Nico thought with astonishment and regret that he could not help a talented person like Maze grow even stronger. But for now, such matters can wait until later as he had more pressing matters to worry about, like his precious baby, Igor, and his favorite student Felicia.

"So how was it? Also, what is the name of that, um… boy, who is supposed to be attending FB this year along with your cousin, Maze," asked Prof. Nico curiously as he did not see anyone else besides Felicia and Maze when he rushed from his office, the moment they flew over the school courtyard.

"Huh? What… oh, you mean Rin. Sigh, sorry to break it to you, but my other cousin, Rin is afraid of you Prof. Nico," Felicia said with a sigh as she shook her head and patted Nico's shoulder before chuckling softly at Maze's little stunt.

"And why would you say that my star pupil?" asked Nico with confusion and honest intrigue.

"… sorry, but you will have to find that one out yourself, Prof. Nico. As while I would love to chat with you as Student Council President duty calls so ciao~" giggled Felicia before walking away to a gigantic building in the distance.