The Night before the Big Day

"Wait, wait who the fuck is Isaac Newton?!" Someone shouted with curiosity as they asked the question in everyone's mind. 

After, Victoria finished reading the names of the top ten students of the freshmen class, which in all honesty was quite surprising as most believed Rin was going to be #1. Yet contrary to widespread belief, it was a nobody ranked first place and a popular loner ranked second, who most knew nothing about which left room for plenty to ponder about.

Since no one knew what was so special about Isaac and Ethan, that would cause Forbidden Blood to rank them higher than Rin.

"Ahem, I know that was a lot to take in but those are the rankings for right now, so if you have any disagreements, please take it up with the principal. Or better yet wait for the annual Freshmen Renewal to come up and snatch the position from them which should be taking place sometime in the future. And that is all for now, so good night!" Victoria said with a smile as she waved goodbye to the first-year class before handing the mic over to Felicia.

"Now just before everyone leaves could Isaac Newton, please come and give some encouraging words to his classmates?" Felicia asked with a smile.

"Do I have to?" Isaac asked with a yawn after hearing someone call his name as he glanced at Felicia, awaiting her response patiently.

"Not if you don't want to, but I think the public at least deserves an introduction," replied Felicia politely with displeasure as she did not like the way Isaac looked at her.

"Oh, well that's a bummer, but I guess it shouldn't be too much of a problem to entertain y'all for a bit," Isaac stated as he stood up and walked towards the stage lazily before grabbing the mic from Felicia and conjuring a stool with but the snap of his fingers.

As he stared at the crowd below with a devilish smirk as he looked at his future classmates as if they were broken toys, which needed some personalized care before releasing a wave of killing intent without a word.

That engulfed the ballroom in a reddish dome of broken skulls and rotten corpses, portraying the scene of the Earth being corroded by a horde of disfigured abominations. That unleashed hideous roars that sounded like the cries of a siren, beautiful yet disgusting symphonies of death.

"Well, well since it seems most of you all disagree with the ranking system of Forbidden Blood, why don't we play a little game and see who among you could last the longest underneath the threat of death?" Isaac asked nicely as he surveyed the crowd of struggling teens while shaking his head in disappointment from time to time.

As one student after another passed out and fell victim to his domain, truly a sad sight to see as not even 75% of the first-year class could last even two minutes under the quasi-domain of a Lower God.

'Sigh, I guess I got my hopes up a little too high this time around once again.' Thought Isaac as he believed he finally found a group of puppets, worthy of his respect and time.

Before he paused and glanced at an inconspicuous corner of the room, where a girl could be seen humming as she stroked the fur of a black cat.

"Hmm, what is this?" muttered Isaac with surprise before realizing there were others who either used his domain to assess themselves or just outright shrugged it like it was nothing. 

Considering only less than 15 of the initial 100 students remained standing after five minutes of constantly being subjected to a partial domain. This was something worth praising as most of the younger generation while strong lived in an era where most were raised under the wings of their family. So, they rarely got to experience the hardships of life or the baptism of Death, where a person's life is on the line.

Until when they left the nest or ascended to the higher realms, where it was every man and woman for themselves. Unless you are backed by some powerful organization, clan, or sect.

'Maybe I was a little fast in my assumption… but still, it is quite pitiful that only fifteen people passed my little game.' Isaac thought internally with a sigh before retracting his domain and standing up to leave as he passed the mic back to Felicia.

Who was honestly quite shocked a first-year student could conjure something almost akin to a domain, something not even some seniors could do?

"Hmm, what an interesting fellow… maybe this year might not be so boring after all," Ethan commented after Isaac left with a genuine smile.

"You can say that again, but Ethan did you peep the reddish fluorescent glow that overtook his iris? The moment he unleashed his half-baked domain." Rin asked to confirm if what he saw was real.

"Yeah, why you don't think he's a psychic do you? Well then again that would explain why he could create such a realistic domain at such an age even if it was half-baked. But then again, Rin even you can sense that his qi doesn't radiate any psionic energy." Ethan said considering a psychic was something rarely seen even in the higher realms, so he found it hard to believe Isaac could be one.

"Ethan, when have I ever lied to you? Also, just because he might not be a psychic now, does not mean he will not be one in the future so, before that time comes you had better develop a countermeasure for that weakness of yours." Rin said with a knowing smile as he looked at Ethan disappointedly.

Before glancing at Maze who has been oddly quiet throughout this whole situation.

"Is everything alright?" Rin asked Maze as he could see something was on her mind.

"Oh, so you actually can show concern for your family members after all, huh… I thought only outsiders deserved such attention," Maze replied resentfully to Rin's question.

"Woah, so that's what you think of me?" Rin said with surprise, "But any who come on as it's getting pretty late and I can't have Aunty Azra calling me again, about how lousy of a big cousin I am for not taking care of you."

Rin said as he helped Maze up before, he began walking towards Felicia, so they could retrieve their dorm keys and finally hit the hay.

"Um, okay well goodnight, everyone! Oh, and your dorm numbers have just been sent to you, so good luck, and do please arrive to class on time tomorrow. Or else that will be a deduction of 10 points." Felicia said after collecting herself and giving the first-year students some advice before departing from the ballroom as well.