Field Trip - Part 3: Arrival

Meanwhile, as Niko finally entered the portal causing it to collapse unknowingly afterward, his students could be seen scattered across a meadow.

Meditating as they waited patiently for him to arrive since without his permission, they could not go anywhere like sitting ducks in a pond. So, before they got themselves involved in international affairs and ambiguous treaties, it was best they acted like harmless creatures and kept their presence to a minimum until he arrived.

"So, what do you guys want to do first, after, we get a rundown of our schedule for the next month?" Ethan asked as he opened his eyes and glanced at Maze and Rin.

"Nothing… until the big man arrives and gives us the green light," Rin replied calmly as he stared at the clouds above that drifted past them while lying comfortably on the verdant green grass of Hawaii. 

Enjoying the soothing breeze that creased their bodies like a mother's touch.

"Hmm, that's surprising who would have thought you could stay still for once? Considering how excited you were this morning to go to Hawaii." Ethan said sarcastically as he chuckled. 

"Maybe but now I just want to lay here a bit longer, before we're forced to train like maniacs for the next month or so. Also, while I was initially excited to leave school and go to Hawaii, those feelings have now faded away. As we most likely won't be having such a relaxed moment anytime soon like what we're having now."

Rin uttered as he could already sense this would not be a simple trip, but a tedious and annoying journey filled with unnecessary problems.

"True, well then I guess we'll just be staying for a bit longer until Prof. Niko arrives, hopefully, it's in the next few minutes," Maze muttered as she opened her eyes briefly before returning to cultivation and like clockwork.

He suddenly arrived but not pleasantly as he fell from the sky from a crack and landed face-first on the ground with disheveled hair and tattered clothes.

Swoosh. Plop. Thud.

"Tsk! No sympathy for the innocent..." muttered Niko as he picked himself up and threw his middle finger to the sky before swiping his hand reversing the effects of his recent fall and the damage sustained by a Category 1 Spatial Storm.

"…" The class, 'Surely, this can't be the once world-renowned, Niko Rodriguez?'

"Man, that took longer than expected… fortunately, I'm pretty strong for my age; so how have you all been, did any of you miss me?"

"No, but thanks for finally arriving old man," Rin yawned as he stood up and stretched, leaving Prof. Niko baffled as this was the first time in all his life. 

Someone dared to call him an old man when he was not even thirty yet especially from someone who has not even experienced the world in all its shades.

"Sigh... truly someone must have missed me, right.?" He said after disregarding what Rin said and glancing at the rest of his students, hoping one of his students might have missed him.

"Teach, I think you might have suffered a concussion, so how about we take you to the nearest hospital to make sure everything's alright? Before finding a hotel to check into," Jessica said as she began looking up the nearest hotel and hospital in a mile's radius.

"Tsk, such an ungrateful bunch of brats..." Niko muttered, "Also I don't have a concussion alright! Tsk, so what is the nearest hotel, Jessica?"

"The Outrigger Surf Hilton Resort," replied Jessica excitedly.

"Hmm, well then I guess that's where we'll be staying there for tonight, so let's go get settled in before the authorities arrive and arrest us for trespassing on private property," Niko said.

"Huh? But I thought this area was under the authority of the school," Kyrie asked.

"Oh, how I wish it were but, in the end, it doesn't matter," Niko replied as they began making their way toward the Outrigger Surf Hilton Resort.

"But why? Wouldn't it be better to conceal the spatial coordinate, or at least have a warning array placed around it to notify the school whenever someone tries to enter it?" Kyrie asked to get a better picture of the situation.

"While that's an excellent idea, Kyrie, that's the school's problem, also, while it may be placed in the open without any top-notch security. Not just any Tom, Dick, or Harry could truly make use of it lease they want to incur our ire."

"What he's saying is it's protected even when it may not look like it," Ethan said as he turned toward Kyrie.

"Sigh, truly some people can't be this dumb right?" Jessica muttered as she shook her head in disbelief while typing away on her phone causing the other students around them to snicker in delight. 

After, noticing the tiny distortions in the air and the blue sparks that appeared occasionally.

"Tsk, just because it might seem dumb to y'all doesn't mean I wasn't aware of the fact that a Star and Blood Origin Array was constructed around the spatial coordination," Kyrie stated as it seemed no matter where you go there will always be people who come for you for no reason.

"I beg to differ, but it isn't my time to speak, so I'd hush if I were you," Jessica said as she side-eyed Kyrie and scoffed as she knew he could not be speaking to her with that type of tone.

"Tsk, bitch, please as if I'd ta..."


"Say one more word and watch how I kill you, right here," said Jessica as she held a pink revolver to his face.

"Calm down Jessica, I'm sure Kyrie didn't mean what he said," Niko said as he got in between them the moment Kyrie opened his mouth and Jessica summoned her spirit weapon.

"If he didn't then ask him to kneel before me like the dog he is and apologize for it this very instant." [Jessica]

"Sorry, but I am not your lap dog, missy so I'll apologize for calling you out your name. However, that's about it as there's no way I'm going to bow my head to a woman, who believes the world revolves around her." Kyrie stated, "So on account of me calling you a bitch, I apologize Jessica Evergreen."

"Jessica, Kyrie, apologized so could you please put down the gun and apologize as well? For verbally threatening to kill a student during a field trip?"

"Tsk... I'm sorry Kyrie, hopefully, you can look past my threat and see I was just doing what anybody else would do in my position."

"Thank you, now let's hurry on to our destination before night falls as I am sure everyone is ready to hit the hay," Niko said as he breathed out a sigh of relief and motioned for everybody to hurry up as legend states when night arrives that's when demons are bound to descend and devour the souls of wanderers. 

Amidst a crescent moon as bright as the Sun, that resembles a ruby in the rough, whose light blinds those brave enough to glance at it.