Weapon Affinity - Part 3

A couple of minutes earlier...

After, Midas escaped to his orb like a cowardly dog; Regina took this time to approach Rin as she introduced herself. Before informing him of how the evaluation process to assess his affinity was going to occur.

So, that everyone could return to sleep and depart for their new home as the five-hundred-year contract with this world was ending.

"Sorry, for my friend's lack of manners, but you can call me, Regina!" A woman with short purple hair, brownish eyes, and a porcelain doll face exclaimed as she appeared before Rin wearing a cream dress and a small tiara.

"It's alright and it's nice to meet you, Regina! Oh, and I am Rin, if you didn't already know." He laughed as he scratched his head awkwardly. 

"Rin, huh? So, are by any chance a descendant of the Kurama family?" Regina asked just to be sure.

"Yes… is that a problem?" Rin wondered as he did not know if this was a standard protocol people must go through before evaluating their weapon affinity.

"Not to my knowing, however, very shortly a ray of energy will enter your body and do an in-depth analysis of what weapon best suits you. Now just to be safe, could you please sit down and enter a mediative state for me, Rin?" Regina asked as a stone tablet embedded with turquoise stones appeared in her hands.


Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

"Now then… while it may be uncomfortable and invasive, please do bear with it as I promise it will be done sooner than you could blink. So good luck and I hope you can leave with the weapon of desire today," Regina stated as tapped the tablet causing the stones upon it to shine as a beam of light shot into Rin's body.

Swoosh. Zap.

[Relax, Rin as you be reassured that if I'm here no harm will befall you.]

'Okay,' Thought Rin as he dropped his guard and allowed whatever just entered his body to do its job as it first entered his meridians then traveled down to his navel briefly, where his core resided. 

Before departing and traveling up his spine to his brain and entered his mental space, during which it stayed for a couple of minutes. Until it finally left Rin's body and returned to the stone tablet, causing it to light up as the hieroglyphs on the stone tablet rearranged themselves.

Into a language, only the spirits of weapons could understand, allowing Regina to take a glimpse into Rin's life, his cultivation, and even his soul purity. Which was an indicator of whether a person was good or evil and if they were qualified to cultivate the demonic or angelic arts.

'Hmm, for a kid he has a pretty crazy imagination… as there's no way after his birth, he trained for ten years in a place called House of Whisper in the God Realm, while a clone experienced childhood on his behalf,' Reginia chuckled to herself before continuing to skim through Rin's assessment, 'Hmm, a soul without purity… what a coincidence, it seems he and Scarlet are similar even though Scarlet's soul is a bit darker and not entirely gray like Rin's.' 

Regina thought as she glanced at Scarlet before quickly retracting her gaze and reviewing the rest of Rin's info. This showed he had an affinity for all weapons, especially swords and scythes, however, while amazing it also made Regina's job harder as she could not decide nor pick who among them should take Rin as their new master.

"Um, guys we have a problem… the kid has no soul purity and an affinity for all weapons, especially swords and scythes," Regina shouted awakening the slumbering spirits that resided on the ninth floor of the Weapon Hall of Legends.

"What seems to be the problem, Regina?" One of the startled spirits asked as they rubbed their eyes.

"The kid has no soul purity and an affinity for all weapons, Reggie."

"Oh… so does that mean; he has to choose one of us or vice versa?" Another spirit asked as they glanced at Rin before looking at everyone.

"Technically, yes, however, to make it easier for everyone could all Scythes and Swords, who deem Rin as a worthy master please make their way towards me!" Regina asked to speed things up as they only had a couple of minutes before they had to depart to somewhere else in the Cosmos.


"So, Reginia what seems to be the problem!" One of the sword spirits asked before gazing at Rin with curiosity and astonishment, 'Gasp! So, the legends were true, amidst the darkness lurks a talent who will one day shine true.'

"Just take a look for yourself, Retro," Regina said as she handed him the tablet.

"… Aww, now I see," Retro muttered, "Well, while it wasn't wrong of you to call us all here, he is better suited to be Scarlet's master, surprisingly." 

He claimed before giving the tablet back to Regina and returning to his orb. 

"Yawn, I heard my name, so what's the issue, Retro?" Scarlet asked as he appeared next to him.

"Nothing, I just think I may have found you a new master, Scarlet but it's better to see than to hear from the manager's mouth." Retro smiled as he patted Scarlet's shoulder and entered his orb.

"Tsk, as if but I'll see what the hype is about before making my decision," muttered Scarlet as he approached Reginia who just turned around and handed him the tablet.

Before retreating to her orb as well followed by everyone else as they gave Scarlet the space needed to make such a life-altering decision.

'Damn… well, then I guess I might as well see, what the kid's about before making my decision, hopefully, he doesn't disappoint me.' Scarlet thought with a smile as he sat down and began to read Rin's short biography.

Sometime later…

"Hmm, while a bit delusional… he does have a certain mystique about him, that nearly makes me want to say yes. Plus, if he truly is destined to be the prophesied Destroyer of the Cosmos, I would surely want to be there the day, he finally takes down the veil…" Scarlet muttered before shaking his head as it was still too early to make assumptions. 

However, if true it could well spark the beginning of a new Era… 

"Hey, kid what do you think about me and you teaming up to take over the Cosmos?" Scarlet asked as he looked down upon Rin who was still meditating. 

"Sure, just don't slow me down," Rin replied as he opened his eyes and looked up to see a short barefooted teen standing before him.

Who radiated a devilish aura and could only laugh upon hearing Rin's remark, "Since you are so confident, why don't we make a bet?" Scarlet asked with a sly smile as he stretched his hand out to help Rin up.

"Sure, however, if I win the bet what do I get? Oh, and thanks," asked Rin as he took this time to examine the teen before him, who had black hair, piercing red eyes, and was wearing a light gray dragon-patterned kimono cardigan.

"The name's Scarlet so please don't forget it, kid! Oh, and you won't win the bet, but if you do, I'll forge a Life & Death Seal with you, Rin. Also, before I forget the bet is for you to unlock the first nine seals upon my body in 15 years or less." He stated as he stared into Rin's eye, which only expressed boundless confidence in his abilities.

"Okay, I accept… but only on the condition that you must accept me as your master until the end of our bet, Scarlet."

"Deal! But do be warned that if you fail your soul is mine, Rin Kurama Jasper for eternity. So good luck and may the odds be in your favor," Scarlet chuckled as they shook on it.

"Fine, by me pretty boy… however, didn't your parents tell you never to judge a book by its cover," smiled Rin in response as he accepted the challenge with valor and excitement at tackling a new task.

Just as a voice reeking of life's vicissitudes awoke from its slumber and spoke to Scarlet, "Do you Scralet Dawn accept Rin Kurama to be your master?"

"Yes, Azura..." Scarlet responded as he knew firsthand what this decision entails and the privilege, he has lost due to it.

"Well, then good luck, and I hope one day we may be able to see each other again," Azura commented as he transported the duo out of the pagoda, before randomly teleporting it to somewhere else.


In the small pocket world, upon noticing what was about to occur, Casper suddenly stood up and smiled at Crystal as he muttered something to himself, "After five hundred years, I can finally depart knowing I carried out your final wish brother."

He smiled before exploding into a bundle of particles as he finally, departed from this accursed world; only to return later as the thing he most despised.