Scarlet - Part 2

Earlier that day…

Within the heart of the Kurama Clan, there stood a building of grandeur and mystique called the Ancestral Hall surrounded by evergreen green trees and artificial mountains. Where a congregation of people could be seen talking joyfully as they overlooked their territory.

Before a sudden phenomenon caught their attention, disrupting the tranquil atmosphere followed by the Vice Elder barging into the meeting room unannounced.

Whoosh! Thud!

"Sorry for the disturbance, Grand Elder however, the Weapon Hall one of our ancestors brought back has gone missing! Causing the pocket world to collapse and a vortex to appear in the heart of the Kura town!" The Vice Elder reported upon barging into the room as he stared at the Grand Elder in silence awaiting what to do.

"Hmm, while troubling the vortex is a more pressing matter... so could Adam, Robert, and Tom please go pacify the situation and quell the unrest within the city?" The Grand Elder asked as he glanced at the trio before gazing at William to keep silent until they left.

"Will do, Grand Elder!" The trio shouted collectively as they disappeared from the meeting room and zoomed towards the city.

Rustle. Zap.

"Now that they're gone… could you please inform us of what happened leading up to the Weapon Hall of Legends disappearance?" The Grand Elder asked curiously as he rested his chin upon his folded hands and waited patiently for William to collect himself. 

Just as he took this time to immerse himself in the cries of citizens in the distance as they ran like scared cats into their homes. While buildings swayed ever gently like leaves in the wind from a single pulse of energy, that startled the earth momentarily before stopping as the cackle of a clown replaced it. 

"Hmph… Aires, are you sure, it's fine to say such sensitive topics in the open?" William asked as he glanced around the room at the hungry dogs eagerly waiting for treats.

"Of course, William! Why would you say such a thing to our honorary guest elders? So please do tell," The Grand Elder smiled as a glass of red wine manifested in his hand.

"If you say, so cousin… well, as you know Rin has always been an exceptional individual, who can't be measured by common sense. However, with this recent report, I have acquired from one of our shadow guards… he might just have to put on our kill list in case he goes rogue, Aires," William stated as he stopped to let his words sink in before waiting for the Grand Elder to tell him to continue.

"Hmm… so, he's finally growing fangs, huh? Well, it was to be expected, if he is the so-called, "Chosen One," our ancestor claimed he is," Aires muttered with interest as he took a sip of his red wine which was a beautiful ruby red color, and moaned, 'Aww, just a couple more years and I'll finally be able to savory the delicacy that is known as Rin Jasper Kurama.' 

He thought as he licked his lips like a starving beast that could not wait to pounce on its prey. Yet, no matter how tempting it was, Rin was still too young and fresh to please his appetite, so Aires could only suppress his urges before he lost control. Resulting in his mood being ruined as he could not yet let loose, causing his fangs to retract and the maroon light within his iris to vanish. 

"Tsk, continue," Aires said as he nodded at William.

"Sigh… well, just before the Weapon Hall's disappearance and the collapse of the pocket world, one of our spies caught Rin holding a semitransparent scythe which I believe may have been the cause for the earthquake and the pulse of energy.

That spread throughout the city leading to Heaven and Earth being thrown into disorder, however, before they could get a better look at it vanished as Rin placed it within his multi-K."

"Is that all, Vice Elder William?" One of the guest elders asked curiously as they stroked their beard.

"Yes, Elder Ben! Now could you and your posse, please leave as I need to discuss something important with the Grand Elder!" William stated as he gazed coldly at Ben and his gang of traitors, who were once spies placed within the other families but changed their allegiance once they were offered a higher offer and position of power.

'Sigh, just what are you playing at cousin by telling these arrogant fools such a sensitive piece of information.' William pondered even though he did not tell them everything but still one ear too many for his liking, knew that a member of their younger generation acquired a powerful weapon.

"Task, relax William we mean no harm, but it wasn't you who allowed us to stay," Ben whispered as he walked past the Vice Elder before laughing as he and his gang left the ancestral hall to go report their findings to the other families.


"I know you have questions, William… but I assure you they'll meet their end soon enough just give me a few months. Also, what is it you wanted to talk about?" Aires asked as he glanced at William who took out a folder from his multi-K and threw it on the conference table.

Before leaving as he had other pressing matters to take care of, "Read with caution as he's still family at the end of the day, and do please control your bloodlust, Aires."

William said as he left the meeting room just as a frightened raven appeared next to him, "Shh, it's alright Zero… Aries meant no harm… he's just a bit hungry is all." He whispered to the raven as he stroked its head.

'If you say so, master,' The Raven said telepathically as it calmed down and returned to William's Soul Palace.


Meanwhile, in the meeting hall, after everyone left, Aires finally picked up the folder William threw on the conference table as he thought back to what he said, "Read with caution as he's still family at the end of the day."

'Damnnit, William why couldn't you just tell me!? Now you got me, interested in what the folder might contain," Aires muttered with a headache as he truly could not afford to change his plans at such a crucial moment, 'But what if the folder contained information that could bring empires to their knees and make the success of his plan higher. 

"Screw it, whatever happens… happens," Aires told himself as he opened the folder and took out three blurred pictures of a scythe's entirety, blade, and snath, where a small sigil of a burning crown with a sword hovering below it could be seen clearly.

This would indicate that the scythe once belonged to the deceased King of Fire & Chaos, Scarlet Jack, who hailed from Planet Ash in Sector 1 - Multiverse Y and was one of the Seven Origin Rulers of Day Bright.

A kingdom famed for its rich resources along with a fabled vault that has been passed down from generation to generation for over 10,000 years.

"Sigh… now I see why you'd say such a thing, William! So, Rin might hold the Key to Day Brights Vault, huh?" Aires said with greed as he smiled and burned all the evidence, 'Now, I just got to silence you, the spy, and Ben's gang… and everything should proceed as intended.'

He thought as he added William to his ever-growing list of people, he had to kill for his plan to succeed as he vanished from the meeting hall and returned to his abode.