Birthday - Part 3

"Sigh, still the same, huh? So have you been, Maze?" Rin asked with a smile after nodding toward Cherry and sitting across from Maze.

"Excellent as life could not have been better without you, but now, it seems I will have another headache to take care of," Maze replied with a sigh after having to pause her movie at such a good moment.

"Oh, is that so? Woah, I would have never realized it if you did not bring it to my attention, so does that mean you are going to finally grow up and stop being a brat from now?" 

"Enough you too! So, Rin I know it is your birthday and all but are ready to enter the limelight and fight for our family name, until the end of your time?" Crystal asked causing Adam and even Maze to focus on Rin as they wanted to hear his response.

"Do I have to as I'm sure my little cousin here is a way better fit than me?" Rin asked sarcastically with glee as he glanced at Maze.

"Rin! Stop playing games and be serious for once as in two hours all Nine Clans of Asia shall gather within the bouquet hall of our family with the future successor of their families. So, I will ask you once again are willing to bear the weight of our family name and stand firm in the face of adversary and oppression?"

"Yes, if that is what my Ancestors call me forth to do then it shall be done! However, I shall not be the shield but the sword that shall strike fear within the hearts of our enemies and bring back honor to the once glorious Kurama Clan!"

Clap! Clap! Clap!

"Now that's what I call a Kurama!" Adam shouted with pride, before turning his attention to the entrée of food Cherry was bringing out of the kitchen along with the help of a couple of housekeepers.

"Sorry for the wait everyone, but I hope y'all enjoy and Happy Birthday Rin!" Cherry said as she clapped her hands and bowed before returning to the kitchen.

"Thank you, Cherry, and please do join us as it'd be an honor to have you with us on this joyous day," Rin said causing Cherry to stop and glance at Adam and Crystal for confirmation before a smile covered her face as tears threatened to spill from her eyes.

"… Thank you, Rin!" Cherry shouted as she immediately hugged before realizing what happened and sitting meekly beside him causing everyone to burst into laughter. 

Before they began to stuff their faces with food and ate like a starving man after going on a fast for seven days.


2 hours later…

Within the bouquet hall of the Kurama Clan, all nine clans that held dominion over Asia since its foundation yet called Japan their home were gathered, not to discuss the redistribution of territory or the recent disappearance of the Astro family's patriarch. 

But to attend the birthday party of the enigmatic child of Adam and Crystal Kurama, who just turned fifteen. Now for most, this would seem nonsensical as what is so important about a kid turning 15 years old, however, for most people on Earth and throughout the Cosmos who are cultivators this is a moment that could forever change your life.

Due to the fact, that if you are lucky enough you could become an apostle of the Twelve Zodiac Gods of Venus, spirit entities born from Nebula that can bestow their apostles with blessings and treasures. If they manage to complete a set of quests before the end of each year. 

"So, Robert just how much longer, do we have to wait on a brat so we can get this celebration over with as most of us here don't have all day," Nate Fang, the current head of the Shadow family asked as he drank a glass of vodka.

"Shortly my old friend, I assure you just have patience… plus, is not your second son capable of taking care of the family in your absence for a few hours?" Robert asked with curiosity as he side-eyed Nate who squinted his eyes and kissed his teeth.

"Of course, he can Robert but sometimes I would rather my child not be exposed to such things, so early on in his adolescence," replied Nate through gritted teeth as his eyes glowed with a fiery light that yearned to burn Robert to ashes.

"Gasp! If it isn't the great, Nate Fang the Slayer of Giants! Surely you can't be afraid that your incompetent son won't be able to handle a little pressure," Jade Eveline said with a playful giggle as she poked Nate's sore spot after overhearing their conversation and butting in to entice the flame.

"Eveline don't push it! Last time it was out of the kindness of my heart, that I spared your little ass on the seventh floor of Helsing. But if you dare speak ill about my son again, I will not mind killing an old hag like you today and splattering your blood across the floor of the Kurama Clan!"

Nate shouted as he slammed his fist on the table causing it to shake momentarily before it resumed its previous appearance like nothing happened.

Before having to shut up and sit his ass down silently after, hearing the words that escaped Eveline's mouth, "Oh, so now I'm an old hag but when you were..."

"Hmm, so Nate how was it?" asked Robert as he tried not to laugh.

"Hmph! So now we just believe the words of anything that escapes the mouth of that vixen, Robert?" Nate uttered as he tried to stop himself from creating a scene, so he got up and moved to a different table.

"Oh, now there lies… but wasn't your eldest son, Nathaniel, there as well and wasn't it blissful?" asked Eveline as she gazed at Nathaniel with a seductive glare that placed the poor fella in a trance, forcing him to tell the truth.

"Yes Ma'am!" Nathaniel exclaimed before realizing he messed up big time as he noticed the disappointment and fury within his father's eyes.

After, managing to tarnish their reputation in front of the other families during such an important occasion that could have brought them into the graces of the first family. Forcing Nate to either accept that he and his son had intercourse with Eveline or transfer all the blame to his eldest son to save face.

Slap! Thud!

"How dare you spout such lies upon our family name! Nathaniel Fang, as my eldest child, I would expect better from you, yet it seems if the opportunity presented itself, you would even lie on your old man! Despicable," Nate shouted as he stood before his kneeling son with shame and anger that he could not withstand such a feeble seduction technique. 

"B... b-but Father, I assure you it wasn't my fault. She..." Nathaniel tried to say before closing his eyes and flinching as he noticed his father was about to slap him again.

Swoosh. Clasp.

Yet oddly enough it never came...

'Did Father finally realize I was telling the truth, but then again, he already knows what happened and just wants to save face. Sigh, no justice for the weak, regardless of your social status.' Nathaniel thought as he signed and accepted his fate.