Top 3? - Part 2

Meanwhile in the slums of England...

In the basement of a bar, two demi-humans could be seen discussing something as they watched the 3D projection of the Shinobi Clan's Annul Marriage Competition. 

"So, it seems the Kurama Family is finally done hiding, huh? After all these years of laying low… now they want to show their might to the world!" A lady with serpentine skin hissed as she slammed her fist on the table nearing knocking over the transmission crystal, a device used to transmit the scenes of a live or recorded event.

"Relax, Nova as he's but a brat at the end of the day," A person across from her said calmly as he caught the transmission crystal before it shattered and placed it back on the table.

"Tsk, stop with the lies, Noah as you and I both know with this brat entering the picture, things just became a lot harder for us?"

"And why is that, Nova? Considering we're not you the one who said it would be easy to seduce and manipulate a 15-year-old and pave the way for our life to riches and powerful techniques?" Noah replied sarcastically with a grin. 

"While that may be true… t… t-that was before I realized just how dangerous of an individual he was, Noah! So, why don't we stop this operation and inform the young mistress of our failure to rope Rin into our team?" Nova pleaded as she could not afford to die after tasting the fruits of her labor after years of servitude to scum, that just took advantage of her situation to get their way with her.

"Sigh, I'll see what I can do but don't expect much as you should already know once the young mistress makes a decision, not even her father can persuade her, Nova," Noah said as he stood up and left the room.


"Thank you, brother…" Nova muttered as she continued to watch the projection which was currently broadcasting the fight between Jack and John.

While Rin and Wendell sat on the sidelines relaxing and spectating the fight, following the surprise defeat of Cory to Franz.


A few minutes earlier…

"Sigh, is this necessary?" Cory asked with his katana sheathed as he stared at Franz, who just laughed as if he heard the most hilarious joke in the world.

"Of course, it is Cory! But it seems while you have a higher cultivation than me, your Goddess does not seem to like you very much… Oh, Great Warrier of the Night and Shadow of Nyx, Jackal!" Franz uttered softly with a smile as he finally managed to erase that nonchalant attitude of Cory's.

Ba-Thump! Ba-Thump! Ba-Thump!

'Relax, Cory that isn't who you are anymore…' Cory repeated to himself as his heartbeat began to return to normal yet before he could get his bearings back a voice suddenly told him otherwise as someone kicked him to the ground.

Before plunging a sword into his back, nailing him to the ground like a fish on a cutting board.

"No matter how you may try Cory, Jackal will always be a part of who you are," Franz whispered after appearing silently behind Cory and catching him off guard.

Thud! Swoosh!

"…" Cory, 'Sigh so this is it, huh Cory… after everything you have endured and overcome, you are just going to let some worshipper of light kill you! Is that what the once Great Jakal would tolerate?!'

He thought as he lay on the ground bleeding out while trying to lift himself, yet no matter how he tried he could not muster the strength. So, he stopped and allowed himself to give him…

"Hmph, for someone known to instill fear in the hearts of men, you are quite pathetic, Cory," Franz commented a bit disappointed as he sat in front of Cory.

"While it pains me to say I am quite pathetic… as that man you're trying to bring back is dead, pal, so if you want to kill me if~," said Cory as he for the first time in his life gave up and allowed the enemy to get in his head.

"Shh, while I would love that, Cory as it would bring me great honor and prestige. As a man of honor, I do not kill people especially those that have already lost the will to fight," Franz said as he shook his head and snapped his fingers causing the barrier he conjured to vanish, along with the power, armor, halo, and weapons he received from his God.

Before stretching out his hand to help Cory up, considering it would be wrong to see someone struggling and not try to help them.

"Tsk, it's one thing to spare my life, light bringer but please don't do that ever again as I'm not some puppy that needs your love and assistance," Cory stated as he glared at Franz with hatred before picking himself up and walking away.

'Sigh… why must men be such prideful people,' Franz thought as he just glanced at Cory with pity and hope that he would use this opportunity to reconcile with his inner darkness and use it for the betterment of himself. 


Back to the present…


"Cough… well, um that was interesting," commented Jake as he stood in the center of a charred and cracked crater, trying not to inhale any of the smoke or dust flying around him. 

After surviving John's final attempt to defeat him which left Jack with tattered pants riddled with scorched marks and third-degree burns. Following the recent game of cat and mouse with John, who tried to fight a battle of attrition with Jack through the constant bombardment of fire and water spells. 

Something not seen very often in the lower realms since spellcasting is a lost art that is difficult to practice without guidance and talent.

"Hmm, so we got about a minute left… how would y'all like to end this?" Franz asked as he glanced at Rin, Wendell, and Jack.

"…" Rin, Wendell, and Jack.

"Okay… well, y'all have fun as I'm beat so good luck guys and I hope one day, we can grab something to eat," Franz said as he glanced at the announcer and the audience before bowing and walking toward Cory.


"Just what are you doing?" Wendell asked as she stood before Franz and awaited a response as while she was surprised her friend had lost to Franz. She would not allow him to embarrass Cory any further as he had already suffered enough just to help her escape.

"None of your business, now could you please move out of my way! So that I could arrest that criminal and bring him to the church," Franz said as he squinted his eyes and took a step forward.

"While I may be a nice and kind person, don't test my patience," Wendell threatened Franz who just scoffed at her words and continued onward as he bypassed her.


"Relax, Wendell let him do his duty as it is about time, I was persecuted for my sins… but if you ever manage to return to Tera tell Nyx I am sorry and that I hope in the next life… I could be her sword and shield again," Cory smiled as he gazed at Wendall who moved out of the way and lowered her head before gazing at him and nodding.

"Thank you, Wendell, and may Destiny favor until the end of your time…"