Clarity II

Sometime later at a secluded restaurant called Beyond Starlight, located near the edge of the outer ring. A group of individuals of varying status could be seen sitting at a large dining table that could seat eight on the fifth floor with various dishes, sauces, and drinks arranged before them.

"So, before we dig in, I think it would be in everyone's best interest to introduce themselves?" Claire said, earning the appreciative gazes of everyone in attendance except Rin, who was eager to satisfy his hunger and head back home.

"Tsk, is an introduction, honestly, that important?" Rin asked with bewilderment as he could not see how this was of any significance at the moment, 'Sigh, surely this must be a joke.'

"Yes!" Everyone else said collectively with a knowing smile.

"Sigh... well then, I'm Rin Kurama, everyone and that's about it, so let's feast." He said before taking a few spoonfuls of shrimp-fired rice and yum-yum sauce as he got ready to grub.

"Hold up, Rin as the food won't be going anywhere, anytime soon my friend. So, relax and allow our dear guests to introduce themselves before eating. Plus, I assure you if you truly are that hungry, I can ask the head chef to make some more," Dime said, "Oh and I'm Dime by the way and this here is my apprentice, Claire."

"Nice to meet you, Dime and Claire! Well, I am Noctis, and this is my apostle Charlie, and his familiar Shadow," Noctis said as he glanced curiously at Rin, 'Hmm, now that the most dangerous and time-consuming part is over with just what are your plans, my dear brother?'

He wondered since with these recent changes to the plan, what was once impossible is now possible, considering what would have taken a century has now been reduced to a few months.

Signifying that if they play their cards right, they might be able to reclaim everything they lost and bring an end to Elizabeth's tyranny once and for all.

"Welp, it seems I'm the last to go, however, I've never been one for the games." Morpheus sighed as he stood up and snapped his fingers, "So, with the authority granted to me, Morpheus the 15th King of Dreams, I herewith arrest you Rin Kurama on the charge of suspicious activity and theft by Law XVI Section 10?!"

He shouted as he glanced at Rin and smiled with curiosity as he truly wondered what he might do or say to deny such claims.

"Oh, is that so," Rin laughed with amusement as he gazed at Morpheus with unconcealed joy at the prospect of finding a sparring friend, 'And here, I thought I would not have a chance to assess my strength. Until I returned to school; truly, God is good, all the time.'

'Kid, while brave I would not recommend getting on the bad side of a Creator who is also a part of the royal family of Dreamworld. But then again, who am I to tell you what to do, so whatever seems right in your eyes do it?'

Noctis said telepathically as he gazed at Rin before poking his apostle, causing him to sit up as the tension in the room continued to build. While Morpheus and Rin stared at each other with blatant hostility as armored guards, encircled the restaurant and placed down an isolation and sealing array.

As they awaited the signal to come in and arrest the criminals, whose crimes were worthy of death and the eradication of their families.

'Oh, now this is unexpected… sigh, it appears my bad luck has reared its ugly head once again,' Rin thought as he briefly gazed at Noctis with curiosity, before dismissing what he said and getting ready for what was to come.

"Wait, Morpheus I'm sure this is all a misunderstanding so Rin could you please calm down and let us talk this out first before we get to tussling," Dime shouted with urgency as this was not how things were supposed to go.

"Ahh and it seems, I have won… I guess, I was worrying for nothing," Morpheus muttered after taking the dub in their first battle, after Rin chose to concede and give Morpheus the high ground.

"Sorry, but I know what I saw brother... however, considering I don't want to seem like I'm someone impulsive; I'll give you a chance to prove your innocence, Rin."

"Hmm, before I answer any of your questions, or agree to any obscure procedure, could you tell me what you saw, Morpheus?" Rin asked as this might help clear the fog that clouded his memories.

"Tsk, and why would I do that?" Morpheus asked as he gazed at Rin with suspicion and disdain, 'Just what game are you playing kid?'

"Why not? As it might just help me, remember how I could be a thief and a suspicious person when I barely remember how I even ended up here."

"Morpheus, how much more assurance do you need when the royal guards have already been deployed?" Dime asked as Claire went to the window and glanced outside only to see that the area was already shut down and the citizens were evacuated.

Resulting in their surroundings resembling a ghost town, to where if a pin dropped you could hear it just so that no one would be injured during Rin's capture. Which is a bit much, however, it is better to be safe than sorry when dealing with the unknown.