Clarity V

'Hmm, anomalies truly are fascinating little critters... but will it work, is the true question as I have never seen a single being escape the penalty of not adhering to an oath. Without suffering severe repercussions for their actions,' Goliath pondered before shivering at the mere thought of the consequences a few of his close friends experienced in the past firsthand.

But while disturbing, it did not deter him from continuing to watch with intrigue, as it was not every day you got to watch a soul wither away.

"... Goliath if you don't plan to help... kindly leave before I make you," Someone whispered as if they were straining to speak while the four lightning bolts.

Which surrounded the orb began to glow fervently in a bluish-white color as the bars of the prison started to rattle, as if a captive were rhythmically banging a mug against it, trying to acquire an audience with the warden of this forsaken prison.


"Sigh… even after all these years he is still the same," Goliath muttered as he retracted his gaze and opened his eyes, "Tsk, as if anyone would be interested in your little tricks, Ezekiel."

He spat in annoyance while once again being embraced by the darkness of his cell like a mother's gentle and reassuring hug.

"So... what... did... you... see, cellmate?" Someone dressed in rags with one eye open and another closed asked as he grinned deliriously like a fool while staring at Goliath.

"None of your business, kid. Now go back to sleep and keep your nose out of other people's business," Goliath replied even though he knew that was far from over.

"Sigh... just... why... must... people... be... so... cruel... to... I," The kid whimpered as he curled into a ball and returned to the land of dreams, where happiness resided.

Yet, happiness was but a fleeting moment for the prisoners of Cell Zero, some of the most dangerous and craziest people in the world. But then again even amid the darkness, light still flickered for those fortunate enough to gleam upon her face.

"For dreams can be the spark needed to light the world ablaze, so keep dreaming for one day you shall find what you seek." - ???


A couple of minutes later, following Goliath's departure...

"... thank you... now just what shall I do," Ezekiel wondered with curiosity as things suddenly seemed to have taken a turn for the worse after he meticulously planned everything out to the t.

But as always life keeps screwing him over... sigh, just when will it end, my dear creation?


Coincidentally, during this brief period, Rin's interrogation began...

"C...c-could you please repeat that?" The guard stuttered as he could not believe Rin would agree.

"Enough Carlos, we heard him the first time so begin the procedure as usual," Morpheus shouted as he regained his bearing and began to write his will discreetly in case, he didn't get to return to his wonderful bed.

"Sorry for my blunder, sir, I'll begin promptly," Carlos, the royal guard captain of the Dream Family, responded as he steeled his resolve and asked the first of three questions, "What is your full name?"

He asked as he glanced at Rin before directing his gaze to the orb, which would react with a bright light if he was telling the truth and a dim light if he was lying.

"Is that necessary? As I remember, saying it loud and clear a while back?" Rin asked irritably as the orb began to take a darker tone.

"Yes, now you could answer the question or suffer the consequences of your impulsiveness, Rin. Also, I would advise you to answer as you only have 20 seconds left, before the orb will deem your response a lie by default." replied the guard uncandidly.

"Tsk, it's Rin Jasper Kurama," He said quickly as the orb emitted a bright light before asking a question, "Now that we're done could I finally leave?"

Rin said as asked as he tried to stand up, but it seemed as if he were bound to the chair as if an invisible force was keeping him in place. No matter how much strength he exerted he couldn't lift himself, partially due to the mesmerizing light revolving around his hand, and the actions of the two guards behind him.

'Hmm, for a human he sure does have an impressive amount of strength,' Morpheus thought as he watched Rin try to overcome the force of Heaven and the strength of two Celestial guards.

4 minutes later...

But inevitably he could not as sweat dripped down his rosy face, as Rin's clothes stuck to him like glue while his veins faintly pulsated.

"Gasp, so what's the next question?" Rin asked as he gave up, after tiring himself out for no apparent reason.

"What's your reason for coming to Dreamworld on this lovely day?"

"I can't remember," Rin said as he finally caught his breath, before suddenly screaming out in pain as maggots the size of a finger made from electricity, suddenly entered his body.

While hair-thin needles pierced his arm and injected white runes into his body, that began to eat away at his cultivation very slowly, as if it took joy in the despair and agony it inflicted upon its victim.

Yet, that was only the beginning as after devouring his cultivation, it would proceed to erode his mind, body, and finally his soul, until he was nothing but a soulless and broken being, beyond repair.

"Rin, this will only work if you comply with us, so I'll ask again, why did you come to Dreamworld?"

"... sigh, to find a fragment of my former self, buried within the dreams of my predecessor's past." He replied through gritted teeth as he endured pain beyond imagination as his cultivation gradually dropped from True God to Mortal Cultivator while maggots ravaged his body.

"Thank you, now onto the final question, what is your connection to the ark rupture found in Zone 5 - Code AX75O?" Carlos asked as the white runes temporarily stopped while a few maggots left his body.

"I honestly, don't know, sir," Rin murmured as he closed his eyes and waited for death to come and collect him, for he knew the faith that awaited him as he could not answer their question, even though what he said was the truth.