Unexpected Ending II

Thud. Click.

"... just what the fuck happened while I was asleep," I wondered before remembering Artemis might have a clue, even though I was unsure if he would satisfy my curiosity, 'Artemis, do you know what occurred while I was sleeping.'

[Sadly, yes... but I don't think you would want to hear it, considering an old acquaintance is quickly making their way toward us, Master Rin.]

'Wait, huh? What do you mean by "an old acquaintance," Artemis?' I asked curiously as this was news to me considering, who would risk their little old life for me?

[You will see shortly, Master Rin... even though, it is uncertain whether you will still remember her.]

"At long last, I've finally found you, Rin Jasper Kurama or should I say, Ezekiel," A woman in an all-white dress wearing a fancy mask said as she entered the room along with a fair-skinned man dressed as a butler.

Who closed the door and stood behind her quietly like a bodyguard, 'Hmm, for a captive, he's quite strange, but while peculiar… nothing seems to be out of the ordinary.'

Bentley thought as he finished scanning the room to make sure their surroundings were safe.

"Do I know you?" I asked since I had no recollection of anyone who resembled the person standing before me, 'Artemis, are you sure we know each other?'

[I am sure, Master Rin.]

'If you say so, Artemis,' I sighed even though, I doubted this was true yet, who knows as we could have been lovers for all I know.

"Haha! While funny, in time you surely will, my love… even though, it hurts to know that the man I once sacrificed everything for, suddenly does not remember me on the day of our reunion. Yet I bet if that whore @#$%^& was here you would still remember her, even though in the end she was the one to backstab you! But no, when all I wanted was your attention and love, you instead disregarded me like a piece of trash and chased after a bitch who only used you and never loved you."

She shouted with heartache as her eyes moistened with tears before a burst of dark purple energy exploded from her body and coated the entire room in demonic energy. Trapping them in a box engraved with faint shimmering purplish black glyphs, so that whatever occurred here would never leave this space.

'Sigh, why must all females be such emotional and dramatic creatures?' I thought with a sigh as I shook my head ever so slightly before sitting up and leaning my head against the wall.

[Master Rin, I would not say that when everything she says is the truth, even though it is a bit distorted to favor her and not the other.]

'Hmm, while insightful, Artemis, it's better to forget the past than to become a prisoner of it. Plus, just as she changed, I did as well so what is the point of clinging to a past that does not affect us anymore.'

Rin thought before posing a question, "So... um, while amazing can we have this discussion some other time?"

Which Irene ignored as her butler just watched everything unfold with a frown and a glint in his eye.

[While true not everyone can so, easily forget the past and move on as if nothing happened, Master Rin.]

"Well, Ezekiel while disappointing, hopefully, this might help jog your memory a bit," Irene giggled as she removed the mask revealing a face different from the one portrayed earlier as her once sapphire eyes gleamed with a purplish hue, as two illusionary horns grew from her head.

Before everything vanished like a mirage as the room returned to how it was originally with Irene wearing her mask again.

'Wait, wait is the princess a demon? But if so, why didn't the Pope realize when he consecrated her? Could the Pope be a demon as well... but then would not that mean the entire church was actually-'

"Relax, Bentley while the Pope is amazing, he isn't as holy as you think; plus, what darkness wants to hide, not even light can find. So, stop thinking so hard buddy, and accept the fact that you're raising a future Demon Empress." Irene said joyfully as she sensed the intense gaze of her butler.

Before shifting her attention back to Rin, "So any luck, or am I still a nobody to you, Ezekiel?"

"Do you want the truth, or a blatant lie, Ms. White?" I asked while shocked at the turn of events "Oh, and I go by Rin, not Ezekiel anymore."

"I want the truth and nothing but the truth, silly, and you can call me Irene. If that makes you feel better, even though Ms. White sounds cute and sexy."

"Well, Irene sorry to burst your bubble but no, however, considering our history we can start as friends for now. So, since we are friends now could you please kill me, so that I may return to my world and thank you." I asked politely with a smile as Irene and Bentley, looked at me questioningly with concern.

"Um, are you sure about this, Rin?" Irene asked as she summoned a pair of curved daggers with gemstones inlaid into their handles.

"Of course, so please kill me, Irene, and let's forge a new future, one built upon the present and not the past," I replied before we were suddenly teleported to a green meadow in the blink of an eye by Bentley.

"Sorry, for the intrusion, princess but I think our friend here, deserves a proper death," Bentley stated after transporting us to somewhere in the central zone of Dreamworld.

"Sigh, if you say so... well, it was nice meeting you, Rin, and until next time," Irene said as she steeled her resolve and clenched her daggers before dashing toward Rin who was standing with his eyes closed and arms spread out ready for the end.

Which came sooner than expected as a gentle breeze blew past him, causing him to fall to the ground with a thud before separating into finely diced cubes. Just as Irene materialized behind him and muttered, "Lingchi," while returning her daggers to her Soul Palace and leaving Dreamworld promptly afterward.

However, unbeknownst to Irene following her departure a blood-red orchid grew from where Rin died as his remains became fertilizer along with a teardrop from a grieved maiden.