Mock Battle - Part 4

Meanwhile outside of the door to the artificial pocket dimension crafted by GenHyper, the pioneers of fusion magic and the makers of multi-K.

"Just what is taking Rin and Kyrie so long to commence their fight and get this over with?" Ethan wondered as he turned toward Maze.

"What is it, Ethan?" Maze asked with a yawn while focusing on the fight between her cousin and Kyrie, even though it seemed more like a podcast than a battle at the moment.

"I was just curious, if you had an inkling as to why your cousin is dragging this out as if he isn't aware that 10 more matches follow his and Kyrie's battle."

"Sadly, while I'd love to know what goes in that twisted and crazy mind of my cousin, Ethan. As of the moment, I can't even fathom what he's trying to do, however, from the looks of things it seems they're about to do an old time duel like in the cowboy movies."

Maze said as she watched a projection of their fight with the rest of the class and Prof. Niko, who was surprisingly quiet as he kept his thoughts to himself and silently observed the fight, between his two strongest students.

"To be honest, I'm quite curious as well... Fortunately, from the looks of things, it seems we'll soon find out while finally having our first contender for a position to be a part of Project X," Niko muttered to himself with a smile as he watched the projection.


Back to the fight at hand...

"So are you down to play along, Kyrie?"

"Sure, why not, but instead of three steps like in the movies let's take ten. Also, since this is an evaluation on our hand-to-hand combat, we can't dodge each other's attack once we both shout 10." Kyrie stated with a devilish grin as he finally thought of a plan to outsmart Rin while completing his assignment at the same time.

"Hmm... now that's what I'm talking about Kyrie! Who would've thought a brainless jock could think for himself and come up with some good ideas," I chuckled as Kyrie just balled his fist and tried not to crashout as his face twitched ever so menacingly.

'I swear one day, you'll regret making fun of me Rin Kurama! Just you wait and see for that get back is a bitch and I promise you that switch ain't got a safety on it.' Kyrie thought as dark thoughts swirled in his head as he imagined Rin on his knees begging for his life while he fucked his girl.

[Sorry wrong verse... my fault it seems my alter ego took over for a minute or so. This won't happen again, Oh Great Masters of the Multiverse.]

"HEY WORLD TO KYRIE! DON'T YOU SEE WE GOT A SHOWDOWN TO DO!" I shouted with frustration as Kyrie returned to reality from la-la land.

"Just shut and start counting, idiot!" He shouted with frustration as he began to walk back while counting from 1 to 10 with each step.

"Tsk, and this is way nice guys finish last," I complained while walking backward and counting up to 10, "1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9... 10!"

With each number said and every step taken, the air within the pocket dimension began to vibrate as energy began to rush towards us, causing the wind to roar as the trees swayed and the clouds scattered as if in fear of what's to occur.

Simultaneously as this was going on, if one looked close enough, they would be able to see that a faint aura was starting to swirl around Rin and Kyrie. As if to hint at the type of power they were harnessing and refining to unleash their attack.

Considering, around Kyrie a golden-reddish colored aura that resembled the sun's radiance, began to flare and ignite his surroundings like a volcano about to explode. While Rin's aura resembled a snowflake, beautiful yet deadly once provoked, however, while it was as white as snow, there existed tiny hues of other colors like brown, red, blue, orange, etc.

Not noticeable at first glance if you didn't look closely, a tell-tale sign that whatever attack Rin was preparing was bound to be something extraordinary. 

But anyway, after Rin and Kyrie, coincidentally shouted 10 in union, time seemed to halt before figures glanced at each other and smiled before teleporting in front of each other.

With Rin throwing a right hook to Kyrie's face while Kyrie was aiming to knock Rin out with an uppercut, yet as both fighters' fists inched ever so closer to their respective body part. Rin and Kyrie finally shouted their respective moves:

"Chromatic Punch!" Rin shouted as his fist was engulfed in a maelstrom of whitish-gray energy, yet within this whirlpool a faint rune appeared that instantly accelerated Rin's fist causing it to land first.

However, as if not to be outdone, Kyrie instantly yelled, "Dragonic Revege!" Causing a fiery orangish energy to swirl around his fist as the phantom of a dragon appeared behind him.

Swoosh! Boom!


"So who do you think won?" Ethan exclaimed as he stood up and gazed at the projection, which showed a devastating crater and large dust cloud.

That obscured them from telling who won, even though some thought it was Rin while others believed it was Kyrie. However, unless this dust cloud dispersed, there was no telling who won... and it seemed no one would know as after a few seconds the projection turned black and the words, "Matched Completed."

Appeared on the screen followed by our two fighters being thrown out of the pocket dimension soon afterward as the fight ended with a tie as both contestants used skills above the power of a God-ranked cultivator.