The Start of the Cultivation Journey!

#AN: Sorry for the inconsistent uploads, so here is a longer chapter to make up for it!#

After the twins learned and awakened their divine sense, Fionn decided to talk about the basics of cultivation.

"To a martial artist there are a lot of treasure's, techniques or herbs that can strengthen one, however the most important aspect is still one's cultivation and foundation. If your cultivation is insufficient and you only train with martial techniques you will never reach the apex of the strongest. However, someone who focuses only on cultivation, and advancing to the next realm will also not reach the apex, because their foundation will be unsteady, or their combat power will be lower in comparison to someone of the same realm.

The key to cultivation is one's comprehension and willpower, if those two are enough your potential in cultivation is unlimited. There are millions of so called genius out there with heavenly bodies and celestial veins but only a few will ever reach the apex. You two may not have the best innate talent however your willpower will let you succeed in this world, where the strong eats the week" explained Fionn.

"Teacher we are really weak in comparison to those supreme cultivator, it will take us a really long time to fight against them and reach the apex of the cultivation" said Yin li with a bitter smile.

"Does one of you know what the biggest fear of a cultivator is?" questioned Fionn.

"Being weak right?" said Yin Feng. She always was kind of ashamed of her weak body.

"No being weak is never a fear of a good cultivator, being weak can only mean that you can progress further. Having a weak talent is also no fear of a good cultivator, it will just mean that he has to work harder than others.

Instead it is staying weak in the future that is the biggest fear of a cultivator, if one doesn't progress to become strong what is the point in being a cultivator? Even if it takes millions of years if a cultivator can still advance he will still fear no one." said Fionn with a smile.

Yin Li and Yin Feng pondered both for a minute over this answer, when they comprehended the answer their resolve of cultivation became stronger.

"The cultivation world is filled with countless dangers and perils, if one doesn't have will power or a strong spirit, ones journey in the cultivation would be short."

"Your start in the cultivation world is the body refining stage, this stage lays the foundation for your further journey in cultivation. The stage exists of nine sub stages which can temper one's body, when the stage is completed, they will officially be called a cultivator." Said Fionn.

Fionn decided to use the <4 animals of the constellations> technique to help them reach the stage. He would train 1 technique/animal a day and let them break through the stages.

The first animal is the black tortoise, this technique focuses on the skin. First you shed the skin like a snake and then you reinforce the new skin like a tortoise shell, you do this 3 times and then you break through to a 3rd stage body refining cultivator.

After he taught the technique to the twins, he let them shed their skin under his aura pressure. By doing this the skin will shed faster, and the reinforced skin will be stronger.

After five hours the twins broke through the 3rd stage of the body refining stage. Their skin was now flawless, and snow white. They where sitting in a kind of dirty and sticky black substance which has a foul stench. These were the impurities of their skin, they were forced out after the skin was purified. After bathing and cleaning themselves they started to rest for today and continue tomorrow.

The second day started early in the morning, they where now cultivating their second beast: The white tiger. The white tiger cultivation method, is to tighten all the muscles in your body and release them after a while and let your muscle strength explode. The muscles will become more condensed and stronger after every release, and every muscle will be filled with explosive power like a jumping tiger. Normally it will cost a long period of time to train every muscle, but because there was still heavenly qi in their body the process was way faster and after 1 ½ day they broke through the 6th stage of the body refining realm.

The fourth day, they continued with cultivation, the next beast was the vermillion bird. The vermillion bird technique, made the bones not only lightweight and more flexible, but also reinforced the bones. The bones will be light enough to fly but they can withstand the burning heat of a fire. Fionn again used his pressure to break their bones, so that they can break them and reinforce them after. After 10 hours they reached they 9th stage of the bone refining realm.

The fifth day the last animal of the technique, <4 animals of the constellations> the Azure dragon technique, was being completed. The Azure dragon technique was used to temper the veins, and strengthening and improving blood essence. The technique was done by doing a dance, the dance was supposed to imitate a dragon, after 3 hours of dancing, small dragon roars could be heard from the moves of the dragon dance. After 5 hours, a combined loud roar of the Yellow dragon god was finally heard, this meant that they had completed the <4 animal constellation> technique and just had to form their martial seed to break through.

If you told any other cultivator that there where cultivators who completed the body refining realm within 5 days they would not believe you. Even for the most talented geniuses needed at least a month to break through the next realm.

After the rapid breakthroughs Fionn gave them their martial arts, by practicing these forms they could solidify and adapt to their respective cultivation.

The next morning Yin li and Yin Feng woke up excitedly, their teacher said that he will give them their cultivation technique today, and that they can start to cultivate. They sun was rising and the walked towards Fionn who was practicing his cultivation technique. When he sensed the twins coming towards them he gave a small smile.

"Good morning you two, have you solidified your cultivation progress, and adapted to your current strength? " He asked with a warm smile.

"Yes teacher, after practising our cultivation, we have a good image of our current strength, so we are ready to progress to the next stage!" replied Yin Feng enthusiastically, Fionn smiled in response.

Then he pointed his finger towards his students, and two small blue lights came out of his fingers and entered the foreheads of his students. Yin Li and Feng didn't try to dodge because they knew that their master wouldn't hurt them.

"I granted you both a cultivation technique, your comprehension is not enough to study my own cultivation technique, so I granted you a temporary one "

Yin Li and Yin Feng were disappointed that they couldn't cultivate the technique of their teacher, however they were excited that they can now finally start their cultivation journey. After getting their respective technique's imparted, they tried to familiarize with their technique. They started using their divine sense and watched their qi flow from the surrounding in their veins. After circling their qi they felt that they hit some kind of door, this was the so called bottleneck. However in this case it was more like half-open gate which they could enter any time. Fionn stopped them from cultivating and decided to explain about the realm.

Yin Li and Yin Feng where now ready to break through to the martial seed stage, however before breaking trough they listened to a lecture of their teacher.

"The stage is maybe the most important stage for a Qi cultivation technique, by reaching the stage one will open their inner world. The size of the inner world will determine your potential in your future path of cultivation. Your inner world is located in you dantian, when you open it you will find your inner world. You can open it by forcefully pumping qi in you dantian, if you pump enough qi inside your dantian your inner world will open. Your inner world exist of nothing but a small amount of grassland. The size of this grassland will determine your potential, because you use the grassland to plant your martial seed. To break through the realm you must cultivate a small ball of qi and plant it in the ground. After planting enough martial seeds you can try to breakthrough to the stage. Most people can break through at ten seeds, however, to complete your foundation 999 at least is your goal, to build a perfect foundation. If you have a perfect foundation this will get acknowledged by the heavens and the heavens will grant you insights to the Dao." What Fionn didn't know is that the standard for breaking through in this realm is 30 seeds, even supreme geniuses only cultivate up until 50 seeds. The record of the most martial seeds planting was 99 seeds done by the Tiger King.

"In your inner world there is also a small sapling, this sapling is called the tree of life. This tree is your remaining lifespan, your tree is still a sapling, because you are still growing. On your grassland is also a big round stone, this stone is called your Dao hearth, if you comprehend a portion of a Dao, it will be automatically be inscribed on your Dao heart. This is everything you need to know to breakthrough to the stage"

"Now cultivate according to your techniques and slowly open your inner world" said Fionn softly. The twins started cultivating, the pain of forcing your inner world to open was excruciating. Most disciple in sects did this with help of pain numbing medicine, however Fionn knows they must experience pain to succeed in cultivating, otherwise they will never reach the apex. So opening the inner world, they would already experience pain.

The twins opened their inner worlds, at the same time. Their inner world was gigantic, compared to a normal cultivator their inner world was more than 30 times bigger. Most grasslands had a size of 6x5 metres, which means they can plant 30 martial seeds. The twins grassland had a size of 50x20 metres which meant that they could plant 1000 each. What they didn't know was that the <4 animals constellation> was a heaven defying technique which used the help of the four heavenly beast to expand their inner worlds in every direction. The azure dragon expanded the east, the vermillion bird expanded the south, the black tortoise the north, and the white tiger the west.

Their tree of life was overflowing with life energy, which was normal for a young kid. But their Dao hearth was inscribed with the four symbols of the divine beast.

However, after opening their inner world the twins didn't stop cultivating and created their first martial seed and planted in the ground. After that both went unconscious because of the strain on their mental concentration.

[Congratulations host for getting respected as a teacher. Host obtained 500 SP]

After training and cultivating for six days the trio started walking back towards the village. Their training was now finished, and they had succeeded in reaching the realm within 1 week.


When they arrived at the village the guards started smirking.

"So, you didn't run away huh, fools." Said the guard while watching the trio enter the village.

When they walked into the village, they saw the villagers preparing a grand banquet. The villagers house where decorated with beautiful flowers and they were spitting a big wild pig above the campfire in the middle of the village. There was also a big wide banner which read: Welcome back hero and immortal Wu Li.

The trio was soon noticed by the chief of the village, many villagers surrounding the sinister looking man, and were giving him praises. The sinister looking elderly man was the grandpa of Wu Li. He hated these twins from the moment they were born, because of their mother Yin Houngan.

The mother of the twins was a beauty in her youth, and the father of Wu li always courted her and wanted to marry her. However, the feeling was not mutual, so the father always held a grudge against their mother. After getting himself married to another woman, the father of Wu li, decided to just ignore Houngan, and live his life in peace. On a certain day however, a visitor visited the village, it was a sickly scrawny man and Houngan decided to take care of him. The man left five days later however five months later it turned out Houngan was pregnant without marrying. After hearing this news the father of Wan Li was so emotional, he coughed up blood. Three day later he died, the reason why he died was unknown however the Wu family always blamed it on the Yin family. And so the resentment started between the two parties. This only worsened when Yin Li was strong and had beaten up Wu li a couple of times.

So, when the elder noticed the trio he started whispering and an evil grin started to form on his face, and those around him. He then announced the following: "When the hero of our village Wu li returns we will hold a tournament for the younger generation, in martial arts. The winner of the tournament can have one wish, the village will do everything in its power to fulfil this wish. Killing and making injuries is allowed during the tournament and will go unpunished." "I also have new news about the hero of our village Wu Li, he was taken as a personal disciple by an inner sect elder of the heavenly sword sect!"

Most villagers showed excited expressions about this new revelation but sighed in their hearths. 'What do you mean killings and making injuries go unpunished? Nobody in this village wants to make an enemy out of an inner sect elder of the heavenly sword sect. Sigh, even if kids from this village decide to participate, they are no match for Wu Li. '

But the elder was not done with announcing "Every family will have to send one member of the young generation, if they fail to do so, the whole family will be executed." Many people were looking at the Yin twins with pity, they knew they would be killed regardless how this tournament ended. Even if one of them survives the tournament, Wu Li will just wish for their execution. Some people where happy because they bootlicked the Wu family for six months, and even if they did like the Yin twins, who will support them in this kind of situation.

"Our hero Wu li will arrive tomorrow at 11 o'clock so then we will hold a welcome back ceremony, after the ceremony we will hold the tournament at twelve, and at the end of the tournament a big banquet for our young hero."

After the message was received most villagers just went home to eat supper, and the trio also decided to head home. The Yin twins will be cultivating the whole night to be in peak performance during the tournament tomorrow.