Corrupt Deal

The moment she opened her eyes in this new world, it was not what Iris expected. She was in a small village facing the coast, a dark red covered the sky and the houses were in ruins, without life signs , but before iris could recognize all her surroundings, four flaming shadows came out of nowhere

the creatures seemed to be corpses engulfed in flames, they lacked some parts of the body like eyes, arms and some had no head. Iris tried to run only to stumble on the floor there was half part of a dull katana, she without hesitation took the weapon, got up and took guard in front of the smelly creatures, keeping in mind that this was something rough for a tutorial

With a deafening snarl one of the creatures approached iris ,who had to cover her ears and before she realized what was happening the monsters had disappeared and a figure in a black armor was beside her, it was so tall Like his uncle, a dark and refined cape slid down his back, a helmet marked with a pair of horns that would belong to a dragron covering the face of an older man with a somewhat long beard. In his hand he carried an ax that could easily be mistaken for a scythe, unlike his clothes, his weapon was pure white

"I am the lord of chaos, the one who dominates the darkness and sovereign of light" said the old man and with a sigh, continued "I am also the one who is going to liberate this world from the tyranny of those who call themselves players" iris was gaping, she was excited but very confused with what he had just said

"Let me explain to you, where do you think that sky comes from?" he asked and without waiting for an answer he went on, "it is magical power and comes from a player," he sighs, "the same one who seized the source of magical power and limited the supernatural to his allies. At this moment there are two forces fighting him. one is a handful of players but they will not make it , and the second one is my corrupt forces"

"monsters and humans that I have endowed with my power" said the lord of chaos anticipating the question that iris wanted to do "and now I want to offer you that power". She had the opportunity to obtain a power that apparently was rare in that world she did not want think twice but there was something suspicious "I will not lie to you, I do not know what form my power manifests in you or what form you will have after giving it to you"

Iris doubt a little but she ends up accepting the deal. The lord of chaos extends his hands and a white flame appears on his left hand and a violet flame takes shape in his right hand "the white flame represents the pureness of the world before was corrupted while the violet flame is the banner of fear and death "she hesitates for a few seconds, this may be a key point in the game, but in the end she decides to take the violet flame

iris feels very tired after taking the violet flame and collapse. When she opened her eyes she had returned to her room while in front of her eyes a notification was shown saying that it was impossible to achieve the achievement by finishing the tutorial of the game, now it was very clear that what she lived inside that world was not normal, even so her instinct told her that she should continue