invasion (part one)

After finishing the work iris returned to the game, when she opened her eye she found herself in a bed and full of bandages, beside her the man who saved her, he had a white armor with golden edges something worthy of being used by the royalty, his face told many lived battles, he had light brown hair and blue eyes , somewhat taciturn

Ravoth was also there, the two were discussing something about the defenses of the city "hey hey you two want to deaf me? fuck" they both stop their discussion "mmm do you think it will be up to it?" asked the man "when I lied to you renfield?" Ravoth said in a mocking tone

"Is someone interested in the opinion of a badly wounded girl?"

"Yeah sure, you care to leave us alone renfield", when he leave ravoth put her serious face again

"you said it, we're screwed ... the information we got from the caravan was that yder army will attack this city, today"

"You're not going to ask me to fight, do you? It hurts me to breathe, you know"

"I'm sorry, this is the last territory we have left in the north and I don't have anyone competent in the west wall"

"Damn it, you're too serious" iris got up "I still have to take revenge on the bastard who did this to me, so tell me what to do?"

"I want you to be in charge of the west wall, I usually leave it to ratley but I do not think he can resist against a full-scale attack"

"joking, right" iris look at ravoth in her eyes "I guess not, if yder leaves something of this city when it's over, I'll make sure you buy me a fucking mansion, ravoth"

the two spent the time talking about strategies and helping to organize the defenses, iris felt the need to know her new subordinates and went to the west wall, on her way she ran into renfield "sorry, I didn't see you there, big guy "she said in apology" so you know I'm not a player so you could show me more respect" iris keep walking thinking about how he was so strong if he is not a player

"You are ratley" said iris to a young man not older than fifteen, "yes, that's me" he replied,he wore a leather armor, a bow hung on his back and his eyes were covered by his black hair "your boss says you're too stupid to defend the place so I'm in charge "ratley was upset by her comment" so when the wall falls it will be your fault? " iris laughed "I like you boy, calm down i may not seem but I know a few things about strategy"

iris spent the rest of the afternoon meeting her soldiers, a lot of bad armed npc except for ratley who was a player, the few guards of the city covered the northern entrance next to ravoth and renfield. Suddenly footsteps came from all parts at a shocking pace and then the whole city was surrounded by skeletons, cyclops and catapults, "he underestimates us" said ratley looking through a telescope "why? I see a well-armed army" iris replied "look" ratley passed the telescope to her "you see the three skeletons wearing a blue robe and shedding magic from their hands, they are liches, there is no general or player"

everything suggests that this could be a battle that will last for days