The Mysterious Visitor

Thinking this she reached for curtains and moved them with a swish and what she saw was truly astonishing...

An owl fluttering its wings in the night sky. It looked so magical in the moonlight. Its mismatched eyes watching her with its full attention.

His white feathers had some black spots in between giving it a completely different aura. Never in her life had she seen or heard about an owl with mismatched eyes.

When mom-dad were alive we had an owl. Her name was Wavvey because she liked to flutter her wings in a wave pattern a little too much.

Getting impatient it started to bang its wings more frantically on the windows bringing her out of her flashbacks.

She quickly opened the window and moved aside to let it in. With a swoop, it entered the room and on the nearby table, on which the vase was earlier placed. Looking her in the eye, it hooted once.

Aw, it was really very adorable. She really wants to pet it now... She moved her hands towards it with slow and patient motions stopping her hand at some distance, she didn't want to scare it.

Seeing this it brought its head a little forward nudging her hand. Getting the hint, she started to pet it, moving her fingers through its soft silk-like feathers.

Ah! It bit her finger lightly causing a drop of red to appear. And before she could understand what was happening it licked that cut. This action was accompanied by a bright light, blinding her for a moment. As the light started to fade she saw a strange mark coming in her eyesight.

There was a black mark in the shape of a Phoenix. Seeing this the owl looked quite satisfied.

A strange sense of attraction, power could be felt from that mark. It felt nice strangely. Like she had got some achievement.

Wait...wait... Just what was she thinking about?

And how is this possible anyways, how can an owl think that way...Maybe if she washes it, it disappears.

While she was thinking this, Wavvey started flapping its wings and went on its way out the window.

'What just happened? Am I getting mad or did an owl really came into my room, bit me and just went on its way just like that.'

Looks like her days in this world aren't going to be easy.

'Uhhh I just want to return back.' Closing the window she decided to sleep. Today's day was really chaotic, accompanied by all the information she learnt.

As soon as her head hit the pillow she was out like the light.

Following morning near the entrance:

The sound of hooves beating against the ground could be heard outside. Horses neighing followed by the sound of boots tapping against the floor in a rhythmic pattern could be heard.

A man adorned in red shining armour with golden extrinsic motifs just like his bold and fearless aura entered the great halls of the castle. His red mane like hair flowing along with the wind, while he moved with swift strides his eagle topaz green eyes swept across the row of servants waiting for his arrival. He had the aura of a Dragon.

He was followed by a small group of people, mainly his generals and a few high-level guards.

On his right was a man with golden hair and orange eyes tinted with hints of gold giving off a light friendly-flirty aura. On his right was a man with green hair and blue eyes, he was quite buff in physique and looked quite stern from looks.

"Welcome back, my Lord", said the group of servants in unison. Their heads bowed towards the man in the middle in red. Ignoring all of them, his eyes fell on one servant, in particular, a young girl.

" I hope our guest is attended to properly....", said Ryan.

"Yes, my Lord. She woke up yesterday morning soon after you left. Currently, she is in the castle gardens.", said the girl with the utmost respect towards the man and with a hint of nervousness.

The girl who replied him was none other than Liz, the person taking care of Anuja. Hearing this Ryan moved in swift steps towards the gardens, ignoring the calls of his generals a.k.a friends.

"Hmmm is this the girl about whom he asked the witch? ", said the man with green hair.

"It has to be her no one other than her can make him so worse. The man who didn't even cared about anyone or anything, other than things concerned towards the welfare of the kingdom. The man with the least interest in girls is concerned about girls health. This is really frightening but at the same time happy news. Don't you think so Jass", said the man with golden hair.

"Well, this reaction is nothing but expected. After all, he finally found her after waiting for so long. He spent 200 yrs of his life thinking that he shall never have a mate, so it's obvious that he shall be overprotective and concerned for her, Mica", said Jass.

In the hallway near the castle gardens:

Ryan moved with hastened steps wanting to see the women he waited for such a long time.

Earlier when, the great witch told him that the reason for his wolf resurfacing and his attraction to a girl is the soul bond he just couldn't believe….

But he had decided against telling her about anything yet. He wanted to give her time to adjust given she was a human. She must be scared to be in a new unknown world wanting to know more about her surroundings. I had told Liz to try to answer her questions as best as possible and try to be subtle, to not scare her...

Just when he was thinking this all he didn't even realize that he had reached the gardens. The view of a pure, innocent silver flocks beauty was brought him out of his thoughts.

He prepared himself internally to act professionally and maintain distance. Oblivious to his presence, the girl was feeding some squibirds. They were quite uncommon in this part of the castle.

She looked quite happy playing with them.

"Her smile made me feel refreshed after my exhausting travel to the witch's place and fro. And surprisingly they seemed to like her quite a lot. They are normally quite unfriendly. Hm, strange. Is it because of that light power that I feel coming from her? I must know more about this in depth, later. Now I need to approach her." thought Ryan internally.

Moving towards her, from behind in complete silence he reached right behind her without her knowledge. 'Ready for a surprise or not, here I come..."


Squibirds: are a species of squirrels with wings. They are supposed to have a large amount of magic power making them quite rare due to hunters in this part of the castle. They are normally hidden deep inside the forest. They are carnivores if needed. Otherwise can survive on plants. This character is purely fictional created by me, so you may not find it in other books.