Past or future: Truly Unknown - I

I could never imagine even in my wildest dreams, what was about to come....

Was this real?!?!

My only friend whom I used to talk about everything, who would never question me or judge me, listen to my blabbering patiently...

Was a lie.

This all was a lie...

I feel so betrayed, so sad.

It feels so like what Ryan did to me...

It feels as if my whole life is a lie.


Why do I remember him again and again...

Why can't I just forget him....

Why can't I just erase him from my life...

Thinking this my eyes teared up...

A dam of tears broken completely from the pressure of my overflowing emotions.


Are you crying because of that bastard Ryan?!?!

If you are, then you are truly a fool and I'm wasting my time with you.

I don't need to tell you anything, you can leave."





Making my point clear, I tried to control my wild breath and angry mind.

I won't let Ryan win.

Not after what he did, for him, this all might be a joke, a time pass.

While for me this is a serious matter.

But I need to find out about that maid, Liz.

I know for sure that the person in shadows was her.

She was the one whom I saw that day with a wicked smile adorning her beautiful face.

She must be the one who told Ryan about everything, it's not like I did anything wrong.

But still, there is something fishy. Everything is not as simple as it looks.

Taking a deep breath I heave a long drawn sigh.

A sigh filled with sadness, filled with hatred, filled with regret.

The regret of ever letting him in.

Letting him take a place behind the deep scared walls of hearts.

My mind filled with questions...

Ever since my mother and father left me, I transformed myself into a completely different person, a strong lady. That small pampered Anuja was lost forever.

Making a promise to myself to never lose hope, to never cry.

The one who never gives up, the one who always faces the most difficult situations with confidence.

But today, I'm completely broken.

I shouldn't have trusted him....

Suppressing these thoughts within the depths of my heart and mind, I decided to leave.

"Before you leave, remember one thing.

If today you don't hear out what I want to say, then you shall regret it forever...

If you still want to leave, then your welcome to leave. But make sure that you don't regret it later....."

Ignoring him, I continued walking.

Walking away from him, I needed to calm my mind and that wasn't possible over here.

"This is related to your parents, Anuja"


Stopping in my tracks I turn towards the unknown man.

"What did you say!!!"

"Just what you heard.

If you want to know more then hear out what I want to say."

"Tch. Fine "

"Why don't you sit down, this is gonna be a long story.....", said Wavvy.

Pointing towards a mossy flat rock like structure made out of a year old trees trunk, urging me to sit.

His eye movements saying it all.

" Before we start, my real name is Jue Daity "

"My story starts about 80,000 years ago...

The day when I encountered my foolishness.

The day....when I came to know how cruel the world is....."

"It all started on a normal Monday morning.

The day of my crowning ceremony. The day when I was supposed to be the King of all Dragons....

I was very happy for myself. I wanted to do something for my people.

I wanted to prove myself. I was an ambitious person. A boy or rather a dragon filled with dreams to fulfil.

But everything changed, everything was destroyed on that auspicious day of my life...."

Listening to his talks intently, I feel an unknown sadness.

Maybe because he used to be my patient listener once.

Or because...

My dreams were shattered the day they left me, my parents.

Waiting for them in those cold winter nights and burning summers.

I believed they shall return for me, for their daughter, for the person who they loved the most or so I thought.

But they never did.

But they never did return....

I always tried to explain to my poor heart to never lose hope, for they shall surely return for us.

But alas, it was nothing but a child's dreams that could never be true.

And now I come to know that a dragon knows something about them.

After so many years, I'm finally getting a clue about them and I shall not lose this chance.

I continue listening to his past with a patient look, with an impatient heart.

" That day we were attacked by the army of vampires, commanded by the vampire king himself...

Massacring every single dragon....."


But how could this be possible?!?!

And why?!?!

Aren't vampires supposed to be good people!!!", said I with a look of utmost shock.

" Well, not everything is what it looks like.

And not everyone is what you imagine them to be.

Your Dear Vampireee, is not what you imagine him to be.....

There is more to him....

Things that only a few know....

Things that he hides from the world....

Those are the reasons behind that law.

The law that prevents vampires from leaving their island, their level.....

Young Vampire Lords hands are painted with the blood of many creatures...

After all, he is a vampire.

A blood-sucking beast.

A murderer.

A Homewrecker.

A person who destroyed a whole world on the basis of his whim, on the basis of his arrogance.

And now...he has his eyes on you, Anuja."


Daity in Hindi means monster, it can be used for dragons too.

As they are supposed to be fearsome creatures of great strength and cruelty.

They don't like humans supposedly.