Bring it ON, Devas Champions Hub

The game starts and my vision blurs out I cant help but feel exited, it takes a little while to finish installing and finally as I start the game it greets me.

''Welcome to Devas champions! Slayer or mortal you will experience all but the best combat and you too can become a deva in this world''

The game starts with a character creation screen with the option to load data from older versions of the game, this was a common occurrence as these platforms all worked in the same basis as to enhancing the experience of slayers and normal people, making it so older data could be uploaded and updated into this game was the norm, this game wasn't just for fun it acted as a platform for slayers and people from all places to meet spar and train, even though normal humans couldn't grow stronger in the real world it could simulate growth inside this game, and for slayers they could get experience in combat with both creatures and slayers.

Selecting the upload older data it automatically accessed my old data and it took a few minutes to load in my created character I made it when I was a child and kept revamping and updating it into my own combat style as a child I wasn't all that creative and as I grew up I kept updating it and resetting from the start, until I found out what it was best for me.

Looking at my fully loaded character I smirked.

It was the same height as me short and slightly built, white grayish hair and green colored eyes, wearing a hoodie and some headphones and simple jeans, nothing to flashy until you notice a giant hammer on his back adorned in spikes with a similar shape of a pickaxe on the hammers end and a grey mist like energy covering my characters body.

''Character successfully loaded''

User: Leonard Angelo Pierce

Nick Name: Pink Motion

Devas Path: Obsidian

Rank: 3 (Normal Human)

Level: 13

---Body Rank: 4

Strength: 3



Control: 3

---Mind Rank: 5

Emotion Control/ Empathy: 4

Willpower: 5


Intelligence: 3

---Spirit Rank: 4

Spirit Power:7

Spirit Control: 5

Spirit Manipulation:1

(Ranks and levels are calculated as so, over all Level is the added sum of all 3 Ranks Body, Mind and Spirit and these are calculated by adding each stat and dividing it by over all ranks example, we take body and add all four stats and divide it by overall rank and we get the Body rank)

( Example: Str+End+DEX+CON divided by Over all rank = Body rank 4 -- > 3+4+2+3/3= 4 )

Skills: Advanced Hammer Technique (PASSIVE), Advanced Arcane magic (PASSIVE),Basic Earth Affinity (PASSIVE), Basic Arcane Affinity (PASSIVE), Basic Martial Arts (PASSIVE), Advanced Acrobatics (PASSIVE), Reversed Vertical spin (ACTIVE), Vertical Hurricane Spin (ACTIVE), Obelisks Detonation (ACTIVE), Arcane Warp (ACTIVE).

Innate Skills: Arcane Obelisk (ACTIVE), Arcane Blast (ACTIVE), Obsidians Mist Armor.

I smirked as I saw the familiar screen of my own character, I worked hard into all of the skills and Abilities I created, when you start off you don't get much other than a random Devas path similar to how Slayers Where apparently created, in case of this we did get a chance to restart and get something else all was created randomly by taking information from current slayers and such you got you'r Devas path.

Obsidians was a path that was quite common but had much potential with its obelisks and affinities it acted as somewhat of a tank and a caster class it had a nice balance on both melee and Range,

Obsidians path had many branches and almost no obsidians were the same.

But It all revolved around controlling the situation by using obelisks, these obelisk where their main way of fighting, they emanated arcane pulses that feed into the opponents energy weakening their defenses and feeding the Obsidians mist armor the more thick the mist the more heavy the user would be so it was a double edge sword in some regards, their main weakness where their actual body wasn't reinforced all their Endurance came from their innate mist armor, as well as the speed and agility was fairly limited.

I been using this Path for 10 years now ever since I was 13 and since then I managed to solve most of my Path's weaknesses by training myself in Gymnastics and Martial Arts, Agility wasn't most of a problem for me but I still had a hard time in terms of speed.

''Connection established commencing Hosts immersion''

A familiar feeling invaded my mind as it was thrusted into this simulated being, and sent into the Devas hub, looking around, I could see a lively large city while my body floated downwards, people were talking running or just simply idling staring at their own respective Status screens or inboxes, the city was compromised of various facilities and places for people to train in various froms such as magic schools, dojos, sparring arenas or take missions from the in game guild one could also take jobs as a slayer directly from this hub and also there were shops that one could buy potions items weapons and armors and have them sent to your real home in just a few days at most of course most facilities were all taken by respective powers and shops and certain places costs real money to get in to as well as one had to be a actual slayer to access most facilities, the game consisted of Fighting creatures and players as it was made mostly for training purposes there still was missions that put you in different survivals scenarios and also had many places were you could be instructed and such the main attraction was doing combat with other players, 1v1's, team battles, ranked matches.

Slayers used this game as a hub to train and meet each other as well as a way to impress and get noticed by guilds, sects, and officials from different places, for mortals this was a fun competitive game that people used for entertainment and to feel powerful, for slayers they used this to get combat experience and climb the ranks in status and make a name for themselves.

As I landed I quickly ran through the crowded streets, I found a park and gawked at the sight, the park had many people sitting on benches or simply on the grass, it was quite big and had a flower garden surrounding a fountain there were a lot of trees and one could even see some simulated animals, birds and even insects as well as a squirrel passing by, quickly opening my inbox I message my friends to meet up.

''Hey guys are you all in game right now?'' I sent to our group chat

Jordan quickly responded

''Yeah we are all On I think Dante is already in a fight with Roku, where are you?''

''I'm in a park called Peaceful Gardens on the map, its south west.''

''Sure we'll head over there.''

I quickly closed the chat and looked around while i was waiting I saw some tall muscular that was wearing a full body armor with a Viking helmet and had a axe on his back guy talking to a short, black robed man with a hood that covered his face, the muscular man was looking offended as the Hooded man seemed to laugh at him in a disdainful manner at each other as they went to a corner of the park established for public spars, the area had boundaries so no one from outside could interrupt, I stared at them fighting by their looks one could tell that the tall muscular man was clearly a warrior type, the robed man seemed sly in his movements and fairly nimble, I couldn't properly tell what his deal was, but I imagined he was a Agility/Dex type.

Their fight started and The Muscular man charged in, quickly drawing its axe from his back, roaring at the Black robed man, in a few breaths the man was already bringing down his axe down towards his opponent but it was quickly sidestepped by the robed individual, the hood quickly fell down revealing a white pearl skinned boy with a maniac like grin his eyes were wide open as he loudly laughed as he thrusts his elbow to the warriors side, in response the Muscular man took a few steps back shaking off the pain as his eyes went red in anger and red energy emanated from him.

He then again charged at the boy screaming

''DIEEE! Tremor Strike! ''

His body was covered in red as his axed flashed at a super human speed leaving a trail of shadows, the boy quickly reacted and 2 knifes appeared to block the strike as they made contact he was flung away a few meters the boys smile never left its his face as his body quickly turned around and landed his hands flashed and 4 knifes were thrown at the warrior, he tried to dodge by was hit by 2 of the knifes one on the shoulder and another in his leg, the boy's legs flashed in black energy as he took to the naked eye he took a single step and appeared next to the warriors side and stabbed the man's neck and he quickly the warriors eyes were in shock as his body turned flashed in a beam of light and the fight quickly ended the warrior was now standing outside of the sparring arena looking at the boy in shock, he quickly left walking fast towards the exit of the park.

The boy laughed putting his hand in his face as he turned towards the center of the park, all who were looking at the fight were startled out by this mannerism and shocked by how quickly the boy executed the muscular warrior, the boys looked around and putted his hood on as he walked towards the center of the park right where I was and our eyes crossed each other

''Hahahahahaha he truly thought he had a chance against a actual slayer, Please mortals know your place'' the boy said out loud as he looked at me.

''So how about it? , you think so too right?!''

He looked at me in a taunting manner and his comment and mannerism certainly work, I was burning with rage at this, I wasn't temperamental by any means but there things I Leonard Pierce couldn't stand and that was being looked down upon and this way of acting, I did not like

'' How about this asshole, any mortal in this is as good can be as good as a slayer so fuck off''

I said while I stared at him in anger, the boy just simply laughed, this was the problem with slayers once they transcended the normal humans ranks and became higher beings most of them just looked down on their own race, even they were human once and now days the more powerful some one became the more they felt they could boss and control people of lower status of power, laws were made against this but the more powerfull a slayer was the easier it was for them to get away with mostly anything.

''hohoo? Care to demonstrate, your fellow mortal there showed nothing but a pitiful performance.''

''Bring it on, SLAYER, I will kick your ass!'' I said as i walked towards the same arena they were fighting on and summoned my hammer, and let its shaft rest in my shoulder.