
Tom pulled out his pistol from its holster and pointed it at the source of the voice. A blond young man sat on a stool half-hidden in the darkness of the corner. Their eyes met.

Tom instinctively retreated to the nearest source of cover, his heart pounding. His gut had screamed the loudest ever; he had never felt this level of danger before. Not even when he was in the path of a careening cart of explosives.

But he quickly calmed his nerves at sat on his couch again. He knew that his actions were a waste for the time being; if the man wanted him dead, he would've died from the moment he entered the room. Which meant he still had value alive. That was his last string of survival. He needed to find out what it was and hold it tight.

"How may I help you, sir?", he spoke, trying to keep his voice as level as possible. The blond man observed the man before him silently. Not as one would see a human but as one would check out the goods that they just ordered. " I'm here to propose cooperation with you", he finally said, after finishing his evaluation.

"And what my this cooperation be if I might ask, Mr...?", Tom asked tentatively. "You may call me Alpha. I'm one of your beloved 'Shadows'", came the reply. Tom's heart lurched heavily but he kept his poker face strong. After all, though the danger felt real, this could be an expensive joke someone planned; such had happened before. The blond man angled his head then shook it slightly.

"You must be in denial of the truth of what I speak. I am not a joke. Nor am I here to poke fun at you. I have come for what I said previously. Cooperation. An alliance of sorts". Tom scoffed inwardly. "And what makes you think I'll believe simply because you say I should?". The blond man nodded in approval. He knew of the man's character and was aware that caution was his life-saving trait.

"Tom Solomon McGregor. Graduated top of his high school class. Attended a police academy two years later. Graduated two years later. Served for three years, rendering meritorious service. Scouted by the FBI. Married one year later to his superior's daughter, one son and daughter. Discovered traces of a hidden organization he coined as "The Shadow" two years later. Became obsessed with the investigation of them. A divorce followed due to his neglection of his family. His finances crashed with the expenses of the divorce and a demotion soon followed out of spite."

Tom's expression became uglier and uglier as Alpha continued to rattle off information about him. "And what do you hope to achieve by informing me of my failures? You said you didn't come here to ridicule me! How about...", he snarled but trailed off when Alpha raised up his hand without pausing in his recital. "The once shining star fell to the standard of the old-timer detective within a year. Searched for job alternatives but never went through with the applications, throwing them into his bathroom trashcan, while smoking a cigarette. Tried to take up jogging, but failed. Tried dating again but got shot down 32 times. Attempted suicide twice. Never had the courage to go through with it. News of a firefight led him to Mexico City. Made inquiries from seven indigenes. Almost got destroyed in a fight with a fender bender. Has romantic feelings for his female neighbour, Gabriela Guadalupe, but has only clumsily acted on it. In conversation with Alpha"

Tom's expression went from rage to confusion to disbelief; the first part of his history could be discovered by anyone who could use a computer. The second part was far more personal, however. One could only discover this if they lived with him or... if they followed him. He looked incredulously at Alpha who looked calmy back; this man was the real deal. He had finally reached contact with the unknown with "The Shadows". His heartbeat increased its rate so quickly that he began hyperventilating. His greatest desire had finally become a reality.

"So... uh... how do you do? My name's Tom... uh... you knew that... I'm an... you already know that too... so uh... how... what are we gonna do now?". Tom could only stutter and stumble over his words. He extended his hand out toward the blond man but withdrew it on seeing no reaction from Alpha. "You will provide insider access, information and reconnaissance while I will provide the manpower and materials required for you to work your magic. I also humour you with certain tidbits concerning "The Organization" as long as you do your part.", Alpha informed him once he had calmed down.

Tom nodded his head like a chicken pecking rice; couldn't see any detriments in agreeing with Alpha and helping "The Organization". 'Wait', he thought, 'why would they need help? And from me of all people. Any of their highest level connections would have more value than me. Is it the war? What exactly is going on?'. The rusty gears in his head began turning once again. The brain of the academy's star was back on track. He turned to Alpha and made his concerns known. Only three words were spoken, "We've been compromised".

Tom understood immediately; it wasn't an uncommon thing. He, however, wanted more

info on this occurrence. Alpha raised his hand. "Please refrain from asking me questions. I shall assist you in securing the heart of your neighbour if you comply". Tom's mouth closed as soon as it opened; he really liked the girl. He remembered something unpleasant about her, however, and opened his mouth again. Alpha's hand rose again. "I am aware of her current minor situation. I'll take care of it for you as well. Think of it as business favour".

Tom finally grinned and nodded to confirm that he was finally on-board. "I'll contact you when its time to make some moves", Alpha said, getting up from the stool and leaving the apartment. He had zero-trust in the man known as Tom McGregor. Not that he doubted his skills; humans were often slaves to their emotions and could turncoat at the drop of a hat because of such. That's one of the reasons Alpha disconnected his emotions back when he killed the other Alpha candidates. This was his greatest protection and weapon.

Getting outside of the apartment, Alpha walked down the road rolling ideas around in his head that were slowly coming together to create a new plan to accomplish that which was assigned to him. These were the only thoughts that he had. Complete the mission. And the machine never deviated