Yvonne's Debts

Yvonne's body slid down the ground. With her original cultivation and physiques, she, of course, didn't experience much damage. The greatest wound was to her pride. Never had she expected that if they met blow for blow, at the same level, she could no longer receive one move from Konrad.

Even if all the deities of the universe told her that such a thing would one day happen to her, she wouldn't believe it. But now, it did.

Her eyes rose to meet Konrad, who observed her with a distant look.

"I'd expected you to be gloating by now."

In normal days, Konrad would indeed feel proud and elated. However, today, he realized all his achievements were not that startling after all. He didn't just lack experience; his foundation still was insufficient. Having seen his father firsthand, Konrad could easily feel the abysmal gaps standing between them.