Discipline As You Will

So sudden was Daphne's move that by the time Gulistan registered it, she was long-gone. In disbelief, she blinked, then vanished into icy haze to pursue the Kracht lass.

"What a glorious day. The Ancient Crystal World's God-Emperor, number one ruler in this Realm's history, had his new prize abducted in broad daylight by one of his consorts. Glorious, incomparably glorious.

I have nothing but awe."

Verena declared with solemn dignity, causing Konrad's forehead to crease into black lines.

"Hum, hum. More seriously, I know you've all lost your Valkyrie Armors. In fact, for reasons you'll learn in the future, many key items are now gone. But that is inconsequential because now, I create better, mightier tools. After the celebration, you will all receive new armors and mighty artifacts.