Unbeknown to the Celestial World, within the Myriad Dreams Shroud, an unprecedented battle played out. Each Dragon Duke summoned 30 Chthonian Lord from their respective secret forces to split the 300 Titans into twelve groups, not only mitigating their numbers but preventing the maximum use of battle formations. The Titan's battalion originally comprised 140 early-stage Legendary Titan Gods, 100 at the mid-stage, 47 at the late-stage, and 13 at the peak.
Following the division, each platoon on average comprised 12 early-stage Legendary Titan Gods, 8 at the mid-stage, 4 at the late-stage and 1 at the peak. Of those 12 Titan platoons, the Titan Lord's was undoubtedly the mightiest for although they possessed the same cultivation level, those other peak-stage Legendary Titan Gods were not his match.