The word has finished and I commanded my wolves to eat the soldiers, because of how large my wolves are, they finished eating all of them in just five minutes. My pups also grow very fast, they are half the size of their parents now.
I returned back and saw the princess smiling while tears falling from her eyes. She keeps saying "Thank you! Thank you for saving me!"
After that, Edmund discussed me about what they have planned and I don`t have any choice but to agree in it, also having two beauties with me is fine for me, at least there are humans that are with me now.
We rested and until the morning comes, we ate breakfast, I introduce my self first thing in the morning. Ava is the one serving the food. I told her that "they are my guests" but she told me that "It`s a job of the maids, and also we are only freeloading here"
After finish eating breakfast, we say goodbye to Edmund. Seeing him leaving the village, I commanded two of my YellowJackets to follow and protect him at all cost.
"Lloyd? Can I touch your wolves?" The princess asked me and I replied: "Yes, It's fine".
Ava also touched the wolves, and are playing with them, riding and lying on the wolves body.
Now then, while they are having fun, I need to expand my kingdom.
The area of my kingdom is as large as a football court. I decided to increase my kingdoms army strength. As I checked lately, my tablet had an option called "Simple mode".
I can convert all my resources into one, It will convert into "BP" or build points. I did not think for a second and easily convert it all. My current BP is now 150,000 in all.
As I busily manipulating my tablet, Ava and the princess approached me.
"Hey, Lloyd? what are you doing?" (Deulara)
"I decided to expand my kingdom" (Lloyd)
"Eh? without any workers?! or even someone to help?" (Deulara)
"Well, that, for now, its a secret" I smiled while answering her.
I asked them to come close to me, my kingdom, for now, is the same as the size of a football field. I decided two expand it into twice the size. I cleaned an area on the left side of my kingdom. The trees and everything were instantly gone, leaving Ava and Deulara with a shock expression from their faces while saying "Amazing".
I moved my buildings as if using my hands to point as if I`m using magic to levitate the buildings, I decided to put my townhall at the center of my kingdom, putting my resources building at the north side, my army building at the south side. My east side is the houses and my west side are still empty.
It took me thirty minutes to rearrange my kingdom, at least it's done and with an easier way. Ava and the princess looked at me with sparkling eyes, both of them are so cute but I should not get carried away for now.
Its almost noon time so we decided to eat lunch, Ava prepared the meal for us again, we ate apples and the meat of the chicken like monsters that we hunted. I thought princesses are supposed to be picky when it comes to what they want to eat but it seems like princess Deulara is a polite and well mannered one.
After finish eating lunch, the princess decided to sleep, so I let her sleep at my townhall with my comfy bed. Ava is the one accompanying me now.
"Lloyd? what are you going to do next?" (Ava)
"Expanding my army strength" (Lloyd)
"Can I watch while you are doing it?" (Ava)
"Of course!" (Lloyd)
After that small talk, I decided to make a wyvern den that costs, 60,000 bp. I also decided to build air type units. The one who conquers the sky can conquer all. That is my motto.
So I built the wyvern then, It is like a cave like building with a wyvern statue at the top of it. It looks very amazing. Each wyvern caused 200bp, it costs so much but with its fighting power, I will not regret about it.
My current bp is 90,000 bp, I still have lost of it so I decided to train about 50 wyverns, It's amazing how they can feet in that building, It costs 10,000 bp.
All of the wyverns will finish training for an hour and thirty minutes, I will be bored if I keep staring in the building so I decided to sit in front of it while looking at my kingdom.
"Yawn" (Lloyd)
"Lloyd? are you sleep?" (Ava)
"A little bit" (Lloyd
"Come, put your head on my lap" (Ava)
Is this the so-called legendary lap pillow? It`s Ava`s offer, I will not be a man if I will decline it! but before I did it, I asked her again if it's okay, and she said It`s fine and she wanted to as well, I don't know what she meant so, here I go.
The feeling of softness and comfort, I wish it`s like this forever. Ugh... What have I been thinking?
"Hey, Lloyd. Do you have a lover?" (Ava)
"Well, to be honest, I don`t have, (Even in my previous life)" (Lloyd)
"Eh? with your handsomeness? really?" (Ava)
"Yes, It`s up to you whether you believe me or not. Why did you ask?" (Lloyd)
"So it means I still have a chance!" (Ava)
"Eh? what did you say?" (Lloyd)
"N-nothing" (Ava)
Ava is blushing right now, she is very cute! And to be honest. I clearly heard what she said. I also like Ava but It`s not still in a romantic way. But the moment she said those words, my heart was beating fast.
Minutes have passed lying in her lap, I asked her if her lap hurts but she said: "can we do it again sometime?" I may have a chance to have a lover in this world.