She had read the note afterwards and had cried her heart out. She had been crying till Tanya had come in the previous day, Thursday and had met her in a mess of tears on the sitting room floor.

"But it remains, no outing for you this week," she had said to Tanya after her narration.

"I know Tin," Tanya had opened the fridge and had drunk from a glass of milk. "It's just hard."

"I know Tan," Tina had looked at her daughter. "Do you love Ronald?" She had asked just as Tanya had sat opposite her on the dinning table.

Holding a glass of milk in her hand, she had said bluntly "I don't know." She had stared into her glass of milk, feeling awkward to look at Tina.

"I said that same statement when your grandma asked if I loved Rock few years before we married." Tina had smiled.

"Did you love him?" Tanya had asked.

"More than anything in the world."

"More than Tanya?" Tanya had teased, looking at her with her with a raised brow.

"That was before you were born." She had sniffed and wiped her eyes. She had stared the milk in her cup.

"I'm sorry mum," Tanya had said.

"It's not your fault, I warned him about smoking." She had sniffed again. "Okay, I've got Raymond to look into the case of threat for us, he said he would, but we should stay indoors to avoid complications."

"Fine," Tanya had said coldly.

"I knew I could count on Raymond, he's a good friend," Tina had said as she had taken the cup to the kitchen.

Tanya had looked at her mother as she had walked into the kitchen. She smiled, she sensed the feeling of a budding love between these two, but it had not been the time to talk about re-marriage to a cop. She was not pleased with the house imprisonment.

The third day had not been any different, they had still been indoors. Tina had dialed Raymond's number to ask about the progress of his investigation. She had also laughed over the phone with Raymond.

Today was the fourth day with her whole being in the bath tub, submerged by warm foamy water, preparing for another day of house imprisonment. She wished for a miracle as she gently scrubbed her body with a sponge.

She had wrapped herself with towel when she heard the smashing sound of a glassware. She shivered.