Chapter 2

After leaving our hometown, nothing much eventful happened. We had started off by flying to the next state over, Utah I believe, it was a nice area...till briiah shifted at least. Mortals never truly understood us. Always thought we were dangerous yet we've played with the other children many times before. I'll never put full blame on briiah, it's my fault. I never completely explained to her why we absolutely can not be our dragons around those who are not like us. Your average one-hundred-year-old dragon..well in mortal age or human age, she would be three now, soon to be four. She was always good only minor slip-ups. Things kids her age had done. Small fights and bickers with other kids, the occasional biting and fits...the biting was a problem considering she would leave puncture wounds. I hadn't realized how fast she was growing until suddenly she was to my chest. We had entered Ohio by the time I noticed. By now she'd gotten larger, and her form had become..rather different so to say. We've never encountered a dragon much like briiah. Only fire, Earth, or darkness but never a winter dragon.

"Zeymah I'm tired... can I shift?"

I look at the sky above us and frown slightly as thunderclouds have begun forming. I nod to her causing her to smile and shift small before laying across my shoulders. Her gentle purr can be felt ever so slightly. Smiling softly I gently jog to a cave I had spotted not long ago. It had been uneventful the past few days. Akiera and I have gone these past days without crossing paths with one another luckily. However, where we are now. I can't help but feel as if its energy is different from others before. As if there was something more hidden within these trees.

I'm disturbed from my inner debate by akiera jumping off my shoulder scratching it slightly with her claws. it did not hurt or sting. It was simply there. I had grown used to the occasional cuts and scratches that she would give me. I watch as she explores the small cave. Her ears laid back cautiously as her eyes dart around looking at every little thing around her. After becoming satisfied with finding nothing that would be of a threat to her, she lies in what I assume is the coldest spot of the cave. I shake my head slightly as she curls into a ball humming as she falls asleep.

I watch her for a moment before looking towards the cave entrance. The rain began to fall, steadily growing larger by the second it seemed. The rain was rather..soothing for me. The only thing I didn't enjoy about it was how it damped scents. I can't hear well but I can feel. 

Thunder crashed causing the ground to shake from its roaring wave. Soon after lightning flashed. A shadow stretched deep into the cave followed by movement among the trees not far from where I sat. Within an instant, I was on my feet. Shifting to a medium size within my form. I look to Akieras' sleeping form. Looking outside the cave once again, I hesitate. The shadow could have been nothing entirely, was too unnatural. It didn't look like a tree or a bush or..anything natural at that. A low rumble racked my body as I watched the shadows stretch once more just as a bolt of lightning strikes the mountains in the horizon. This time, a flash of red showed within the trees catching my attention fully. She'll be okay alone right? I can leave her to check things out...i don't know why but..something just doesn't seem right with this. I needed to be sure. With that, I started to leave the cave, sticking to the shadows and brush.