Kash P.O.V
As I look up I see many on the ferry looking down at me in astonishment and decided to climb back up after tying the pirate ship to the ferry. As I am on deck I notice someone headed for me and when I see her face I say
Kash" Hello officer Jenny, nice night isn't it"
Jenny "Hello hunter, didn't expect you to be so young and im guessing you are going to hand them to me to detain and take credit for, correct"
Kash" Sounds right and I am guessing this is the reason you are on this ferry as I know it is not common for Jenny to leave their region on unofficial reasons"
Jenny " They have targeted over 3 ships in a month and have been hard to track down as they attack at night with no lights, on that note how did you see them. Also lucky for you since it was dark I don't think many know what you look like"
Kash" Weaklings like that should have been captured easy. As for finding them I heard the cries of a pokemon on their ship" as I walk away and heads towards my cabin and say to Jenny
"No one hurts pokemon around me and walks away free"
As I saw Jenny in a look of thought as I get out of view and houndoom follows me inside and I decide to brush his fur before we go to sleep as tomorrow I will meet birch at the port.
Next day
As I see the port coming closer that I get ready and have houndoom by my side and decide to ask if he is excited about our new day and he looks at me and licks my hand. As I walk down the bridge and I hear
????" Kash is that you I am Birch's assisstant Joshua as I can't seem to find him again as he is doing field research again I came for you myself" while sighing and directs me to a jeep
Kash" How did you know it was me and I expected this to happen thanks to his reputation" as I bring my bag to the jeep and Houndoom jumps in the back.
Joshua" Hehe, while I heard about your Houndour, I am guessing Houndoom now and you kind of stand out in crowed with your looks alittle" as he starts the jeep and takes us down a dirt road towards the lab.
As I was looking outside when I spot a dust cloud chasing down a man in a lab coat and I turn to Joshua and point and say
Kash " Is that prof Birch there being chased by Poochyena and stop the car" As he looks over in surprise of the scene in front of him
Joshua" Yes we have to help him" as he stops the car I get out and let houndoom know its okay and that I have this. As I walk ahead to where there going Birch sees me and tries to tell me to get out the way, as I ignore him and just let a soothing aura spread from me to calm the pokemon down from their anger and I get down on one knee said
Kash" calm down and come to me you dont need to be angry and be in fear of me and let me help you" as the Poochyena calm down and instead of chasing Birch start to jump at me suprising and scaring birch and his assisstent thinking I was being attacked until I start laughing and begin playing with them when Houndoom comes in and joins the fun while Birch and his assisstent not sure what was happening.
Birch P.O.V
As I look on at the scene infront of me and couldn't connect it to the Pokémon chasing me just moments ago as stepped on a tail. I heard stories from oak and from similar cases around different regions and it does make me curious if he meets the young girl from hoenn I heard about.
Birch" I think we should get back to the lab and get cleaned up" as he looks at himself and Kash and notices that we are both covered in dirt and fur
Kash" Okay, now guys be good and go back to your parents I am sure they are waiting for you" as Kash and Houndoom get in the back of the jeep and as we drive off I see Kash brushing his Houndoom without a care in the world.
Birch" So how long have you been able to do that and to what extent do you have it under control" as I look back at Kash and see him contemplating on what he should tell and when he looks to have come to a decision and starts to speak
Kash" When I am in control I can feel pokemon emotions around me and project my emotion to both people and pokemon and can get pokemon to understand my intentions. When I lose control of my emotions I can cause people and pokemon to feel my anger and put pressure on them and even have the weak willed to faint"
As I listen to him I start to understand the implications of his words and think on how this can help me and why Oak sent him to me even though we never met.
Kash P.O.V
As we walk into Birch lab building his assisstent shows me to my room that I will be staying at for a couple of years and wondering what birch has in store for me. After freshening up and going to find birch and ask him
Kash"I caught a new pokemon that needs to healed can you do it" looking at him as was sitting while eating
Birch"Easy just release it on the table and Joshua can take very good care of it"
Kash" I need a water source as it is a Caravanha I rescued from pirates"
Birch" okay then release it in the tank at the back and I will call Josh"
as he starts yelling for him and watchs as I walk to back and release as he shocked and suprised on the fact it is shiny making him understand on how it was so easily caught by a weak pirate as it was most likely osterized from its school for its color. When Josh appears ask whats needed gets suprised as well but then gets to work allowing for me and Birch to talk about my role for the next couple of years.
Birch" So for what you are going to be doing with me is as I travel to different pokemon habitats to understand how pokemon interact with them. I can also help give you more connection in the area for when you go on your journey and find your path"
Kash" Sounds good and it will allow for me to fill up some of my pokedex for gramps"
As I say good night to Caravanha who is enjoying him self being able to swim more freely who then splashes me causeing houndoom to dry me as we walk to my room where I feed my pokemon ands brush and clean them while I was watching them getting ready to I decide it is time to name them.