Chapter 20 Pokemon care and Gym battle

Kash P.O.V

As I thank the trick master I recall deino and head back to the Pokecenter for the night as I wonder how Deino is going to do in his first tough battle in a gym. I was feeding everyone as usual when I had to take out the last in my current supply of dusk stones as they are starting to get empty and I have to send them back to oak for them to get refilld with energy at graveyard again. It is a process but I need to find more as I only have 3 and they only last a month for feeding spiritomb as it gives him more energy and power. Ghost Pokémon have to be fed and some can only be fed on special energy that is either psychic or ghost that can be found in some stones or certain environments. As for deino he cares for sour berries the most along with getting his head rubbed daily and to be his teeth some care because of his need to bite. Shin used to like train after eating but now is before, for that I now get him to try and read the wind whenever possible thanks to his training from before he has great control of his body and moves that makes him not needed to work on them as much giving time for new practice. Creek is a little special as until he makes his final evolution I work on the most by tempering his body and making his defense stronger as his body has difficult moving, thanks for his love of water increasing his bodies strength lot less difficult than one will think. As I train him something weird happened that caused deino and creek to have a strange releationship as deino likes to bite and creek has one of the strongest bodies around I will sometimes find deino practicing on him with his moves, I let it happen as neither get hurt and just get stronger. As for cinder thanks to his recent growth I have him training his fire energy as his dark right now has greater control and power. He can't control his physical training as for my hypothesis that Pokémon have a physical threshold and when they hit the limit they can pass it causing them to grow larger than others of the same species. While they are getting used to it they can't overexert their strength as they may get hurt while their body gets used to the changes and increase of power. Meaning cinder can train control and moves but as this is still untested theory it will take time and research to understand, as is it only once it can happen or can it there be another threshold is their a limit to a Pokémon potential can they evolve to legendary with enough strength. As I go to sleep I think about this and continue to ponder before nodding off.

Few days later of travel and training

I arrive at mauville city and head to gym so I can get my badge I get excited for the battle as this will be deino first official battle, as I see the sign for the gym ahead of me I open the door and get zapped and I hear

????" sorry about that I am watson the gym leader here, I was trying to build a zapdos robot to be guard and a fun thing for the challangers to see before the battle" as I look at the old man smiling like he doesn't have a problem in the world as I decide to check his aura and see a brightness that I expected from him as I follow him to the battlfield and I see someone already there ready to be a referee for the battle.

Referee "This gym battle is between Watson the gym leader of mauville vs Kash the challanger, it is a 3 vs 3 battle and only the challanger can subsitute during battle"

As he signals the start of the battle both me and watson release our Pokemon as I call out deino and I see me my opponent a magnemite as I expected an electric Pokemon from his zapdos bot. Watson looks suprised at my Pokemon guessing he doesn't know what it is, as I start with dragon pulse to get the game rolling as I my opponent uses sonicboom as the attack wont miss I get him to charge straight at to get closer so I can finish it off with the next attack as I deino endurs through the attack and I call for him to use firefang as he lands a direct hit on my opponents Pokemon causes him to get knocked out.

Referee " Magmite is unable to battle, bring out the next Pokemon"

Watson" Your Pokemon is strong, I have never seen his species before as he took a direct attack and took little damage meaning it wasn't very affective and having strong defence as well" As he releases his 2nd Pokemon a voltorb as I let deino stay in battle as he looks very happy at continuing the battle. I call for him to start with dragon pulse as to lure him from keeping his distance as deino has great physical attack and defense, as he spots me trying to herd his Pokemon as he order his Pokemon to use rollot going straight at deino through the attack like I did earlier as he using it to increase the speed of the spins I know as he continues to use it will get stronger as I get deino to use dragon rush as they collide they are both pushed back looking haggered and hurt as I get deino to finish off voltorb, watson orders a thunderwave causing deino to be paralyzed before it gets hit and fainting causeing watson to recall him.

Referee "Magmite is unable to battle, gym leader has 1 Pokemon left and the challanger has none taken out" As I call back deino saying he battle well, Watson calls out his final Pokemon Magneton and I release creek as he is a good match up in this battle