Chapter 26 the rouge scientist and offers

Kash P.O.V

As I enter with with the scientist after making greetings as I tell him why we had come to the lab and his suprised yet not as I expected making me think he must have some ideas on the cause. As me and Cinder look around I notice there is fewer people than I expected in such a large lab as I have been to few in my travals over the years. As the scientist gives me his name Nimbus that I find a little funny seeing what he is focused to research about, as I try to hide my smile we head towards an older gentleman man who is giving orders to the others

Nimbus " Sir, this trainer named Kash came here with some news about the weather that may have been caused by the incident with Tabitha" as I tell him what's happening with the weather and what I notice when I got here about the strange currents of energy in the air affecting steel types

????" Thank you for telling me this Kash, my name is Willard I'm the head researcher of this facility, and the reason is we had to get rid of a younger scientist with greater ambition in trying to control the weather of the whole hoenn region, for what purpose we didn't find out before he left. But before that he was working on a strange device that he kept secret that made any weather moves by Pokémon un effective, but now I think because of the strange magnetic field has affected them and bringing the changes to weather to other places causing the strange affect in the weather of Mauville city" as I look at him wondering what had caused Tabitha gain his strange ambitions as he seems smart to build such a contraption, I see all the other scientist looking either a little guilty as they look to be hiding something as they look at each other getting me to ask them about it after we fix this problem.

Nimbus " We have been trying to get our Castforms to help us, the only problem we don't know where the device is as he took it with him and as we see he must have left it in the area for it to still have affect on us, from what you told us the strange magnetic field mush be where the device is hidden" as it makes sense as a final revenge against those he thinks betrayed him

Kash " I can go look for it if I have someone to follow me, to point out things needed for it to work such as geography as well what it looks like and size of it"

Willard "You can have nimbus here help as he was one of the few who actually saw the device from before, as long as you destroy it everything should go back to normal" as I am more than happy to comply with that as a device such as this should not be in the wrong hands.

As we leave to look for it I come to the decision that it must be located ina high altitude as I ask

Kash "Whats the closest mountain in the vicinity that can affect this region" as he looks at me thinking that could be right

Nimbus " There is a small mountain north of here thats just a couple hours walk that with the right parameters can direct what ever it is that he is doing to the weather" as we walk in that direction I take out shin so he can keep us up to date on the energy in the air as the further we go th harder it is for shin to move as I see the mountain nimbus was talking about I call back shin and we treak up it with thanks to Cinder as ties off for us to use rope to speed up, when we finally reach the top I see alot of Magmites and Magneton surrounding it as to protect it when I feel an aura of joy and happieness around them.

Nimbus" How are all these Pokemon here they are steel types and should be affected like your Scizor"

Kash "But they are also electric types that get powered when near energy and I am guessing that this thing is giving out a multitude that they are feeding off of, making us have to defeat them to destroy the machine" as I call for Cinder to use flamethrower and Nimbus has his Castform to use heat blast as we try to knock them out, as they start firing thudershocks and lightning bolt at us as we continue to dodge and attack we finally have them all down giving us time to destroy the machine while Nimbus walks ahead and points to 4 stones

Nimbus "Those are whats powering the machine, I don't know how he exactly got them as you need a great background as well of resourses and money to aquire them. They are respectivly heat rock, smooth rock, icy rock and damp rock, it seems that he found a way to amplifier there respective abilites involving the weather and some how projects them in the atmosphere, before we destroy the machine we have to carfully remove them as if they break great forces contained in them can explode out and change the landscape for a long time" as I decide to try and read the aura from them and can feel the elements trapped in them by I am guessing long exposure to there respective element. As we take them out and put them in a bag I call for Cinder to use dark pulse as well of flamethrower to destroy the machine, when nimbus tells me

Nimbus " The affect will not be right away and may take a few days but everything should be alright now." as I look at him and follow him down the mountain again as we make it to the base I stop and tell him

Kash "I need the truth there is more going on than just Tabitha and you know whats behind him and I won't hesitate to find out" as he looks at me in suprise as he knows there is no way out

Nimbus "there has been 2 groups trying to get us scientist to work for them, somtimes by force and somtimes by bribeing us with knowledge or money as many has joined either side and the few left are thinking of moving to sinnoh as thier is much to learn there, they havn't told us thier names but that they plan to cover sinnoh in there own image" as I smile at this is the first I heard about them since first finding out about them, giving me clues about thier goals and more information on the way they plan to do. As I thank him and tell him this is where we seperate as I am heading to fortree city next and that he should send some people to mauville to make sure.