Chapter 46 explanations and seeing dad again

Kash P.O.V

As I reach my group of freinds I see the face of some people who want some answears that I have gotten very familiar with, as I tell them we should head to get something to eat as notice I am getting stares as Baltoy is still on my head when I ask him

Kash "Do you want to eat something or go back to your Pokeball" as it says he wants to eat something telling me it wants somthing sweet as I smile and nod okay.

Lucy "While lets go I want something spicy as I was nervous this morning waiting for your match" before she realises what she said

Birch "I got just the place an old friend runs a restaurant that travels that has food found from different regions" as we all agree to it curious how it travels and when we see it are shocked as it is huge ship with 8 giant wheels "It is a ship that can travel on land it has been his dream when he won a lottery and got fulfill it"

As we enter and the staff recognise Birch as he visits time to time and we get our own room as we order food, curry for Lucy, pasta for Birch and his assistant,I get steak for cinder, I got a berry pizza and a jumbo ice cream for something new for Baltoy. For the rest of my Pokémon I got there favourites in doggy bags as their is not much room for them.

Kash "So ask any questions you guys have and I will answer what I can to the best of my ability" as they look at each other deciding the order to go in to ask questions when they decide who goes first

Birch "When and where did you get him, is his size because of his environment and I notice that he seems to have a great strength so why hasn't he evolved" when his assistant started

Joshua " I notice despite your affinity with dark types Pokémon, among your non dark types you have quite a bit psychic types the only one not included is Shin"

Anebel "How come when I listen to your Baltoy it seems like a newborn. Also how is your research on Pokemon limits and is Baltoy apart of the results, also have you learned anything about the question I asked you a few months ago" and lastly Lucy

Lucy " I am curious on your training on weather moves with your Pokemon as I can say it is evident in your battle style, as I am guessing you understood something point showing in your battle where Baltoy over powered your opponents move" as I see she saw something that I thought was hidden well making me impressed

Kash " I caught him around a week ago at victory road in a hidden cave that I am guessing no one has saw in a long time. Now how many of you know the origin of Baltoy" as only Birch seems to have an idea so I go into it

Kash " Baltoy has an interesting history as not many know the fact he was actually created by humans out of clay long ago. Giving them a spirituality not many Pokemon have, It was called the Baltoy civilization as they were one of the thier greatest achivements. As they started reproducing like normal Pokemon the art was lost, now my Baltoy was acutally the first one, as they were still learning they made him with out limits afraid when they realised it they sealed him to not abuse his strength. This also answeres your other question as a result of it, makes his ability to evolve have more requirements then normal. This kind of goes into one of Anebels questions as they made and gave him knowledge, but he never had any experiences since he met me, causing him to act like a newborn" as they digest all of that, I feel it is right I hid all the other information about his skills, and what knowledge he actually has.

Kash "Now for Joshua's question, it is acutally linked with what Anebel asked me a while ago, why some trainers seem to have affinity with certain types over others. I have 2 different thoughts as some have a affinity with a single or multiple types either at the same level or higher and lower. A lot focus on a single type as it is easier to train them to higher levels such as many elite 4's or even those advanced. The second idea is they raise their affinities them selves such as those who belong to clans an example can be Lance of johto who was born in a dragon master clan. Not everyone can find this or don't want to be limited as such they go for all rounded teams, as my team even though I have a high affinity with dark types and I love them my team is pretty rounded if including what I have back at gramps. I also have another theory that affinity might not just be to types but can to other details such as some evolution lines, physics such as dog shaped or their physiques. Lucy here can be an example of that as you compare her Pokémon in her main team, how's Vulpix by the way"

Lucy "He's great I am waiting a few more wakes to evolve him as I don't want to limit his potential, like you told me." as she smiles at me

Birch "That is remarkable, and it seems plausable, I remember a trainer some time ago only used grass types when he was saved by a fire type and seem to gain an affinity with both"

Kash "It is all speculation right now" When I hear behind me

Sal "Their can be truth to that, as from my experiences it also matters on level of trainers strength as you mention the elite 4's when those at the same level who don't focus on a single type more often lose. It is the same for beginners it is I believe a matter of talent also affects the situation. Nice to see you son" As I get up to my companions surprise and hug father

Kash "It is nice to see you in person again been a while" as the rest say hello and I contiue on answering questions

Kash "Anebel for the other question my research right now is inconclusive, now to Lucy in a battle I feel that the terrain is very important and my Pokemon practice in either make the terrain better for themselves or be adaptable. Another point on the weather is I feel it is good training for Pokemons control of their energy by practicing it and trying to control it." as that gets nods do to the fact it makes sense.

As we all start talking about different topics I notice Lucy being a little shy as I sit beside her while holding her hand to make her feel comfortable, as my father notices and just grins at me when everyone decides to head in while I go for a walk with her.

Kash "I think my dad noticed us" as Lucy turns red at that

Lucy "How, we were only all together for a few hours"

Kash "Trust me it's almost impossible to hide things from him, he has connections and a great understanding of the human mind that few others can match with him coming from his experiances in life. As my aunt told you a little of his history." As I walk her back to the building she is staying at and kiss her before she heads inside.