Narcissism runs in the family.

It had been 3 days since the first rehab session. Logan had finally accumulated 100 Star points. He looked a bit better now, still pale in the face though. The day was finally here. He had just come from a session. Dr.Stones was in awe of him. He had completed all the exercises she had asked him to do. That's when the system had given him a mission to run at the lowest possible pace for 50 points. When Logan had suggested that to Dr.Stones ,she had flatly refused saying that it still wasn't the time to run. Baby steps she said. After a lot of convincing she had agreed to let him push his limits.

Logan had just now come back home leaving a flabbergasted Dr.Stones behind ,with a smirk on his face. He clicked on the Intelligence potion in the system attribute perks.

[Are you sure you want to buy a intelligence potion?]



[Transaction successful]

[Host should understand that only 2 intelligence potions will be effective on him]

A black box with a pentagram symbol appeared in front him. The intricate design in the box could only be assumed to be out of this world. Logan opened the box to find a glass bottle with green liquid in it. Taking the bottle in his hands, he opened the bottle and said to himself;"This is it."

In one gulp he finished off the potion. He could feel the hot liquid down the throat, to his oesophagus and finally into his stomach. He started feeling drowsy. And he fell asleep.

After about 30 mins he woke up and felt as though he was reborn. He felt energised. He checked his status menu.

HOST NAME : Logan Williams


CONDITION : Very weak.


CHARM : -2







PIANO SKILLS : Specialist.


REMARK : Far far far far far far far far far far away from stardom! Host should work hard at getting back to normal.

He got excited. His intelligence had increased from 13 to 15. He had finally reached the level of a genius. He could put some of his plans into motion now. He also noticed that his strength and increased from -4 to -3 and his status of bedridden was gone. He felt giddy with joy.

He went down to the hall. His mom and dad were talking to each other about the barbecue party they were going to throw this Sunday where they were going to invite all their friends. This was to celebrate Logan's comeback.

He called out;" Mum, Dad I have something to tell you?"

"What is it darling?"

"Mum. I want to take a IQ test as soon as possible."

Both of them were surprised;"Why such a sudden request baby? You already took a IQ test when you were 8."

"I just want to get it rechecked mum. Is that okay?"

"Sure. I'll schedule it for the evening."

There were a lot of websites which scheduled online IQ tests. Helen being a doctor obviously knew the most reliable one.

Mia who was playing in the corner with her dolls came running to him said,"Big brother we are having a tea party. You have to join us. Looking at the big yearning eyes Logan just couldn't say no. Chuckling, he went with her. He could do anything for this adorable girl. He had to wear a princess tiara which was mandatory for a Mia Williams' tea party. When Logan asked her about it she pointed at her father and said,"Dad said boys are mean."

"Hmmm that's correct."

He had to keep boys away from this innocent sister of his.

Soon the time for the IQ test came. The test involved a series of questions with a time limit. Everyone gathered around him including Bella who had been out shopping with her girlfriends. Everyone was nervous. Seeing everyone so concerned about the test he couldn't help but feel warm and nervous too. He completed the test well before the allotted time and submitted the test. The results was declared instantly. The result was shown in big red numbers flashing across the screen.

149- very gifted/ genius

Both his parents were surprised. Last time he had an IQ test he had a result of 136. Only Henry had a result more than him amongst his friends. Helen couldn't stop her tears. She had been so afraid that Logan's brain function might not have recovered completely and he may lag behind others. She couldn't help but be proud of her son and gave him a big hug. Arthur who was always goofy, got emotional too:"Congrats buddy."

"Thanks dad"

"Mom, Dad. I want to start my academics. I don't want to lag behind anyone. I want to gain what I have lost. Can you please hire a personal tutor who can speed me up to grade 12th? I want to enroll in the school as a senior.. My friends will be seniors next year. I can directly enroll with them."

"What's the rush Logan? You have just recovered. Your body won't be able to handle the stress baby. How about you wait 6 months before you start your academics?",said Helen worryingly.

Arthur who saw the determined look on his face said," Darling why don't we just do as he says. If he can't handle the stress then we'll just ask him to slow down." Helen was still worried.

"Mum don't worry I won't over stress myself. I am a genius. You saw the results right", he said with a smirk.

Bella chuckled:" Here we go again. Being so narcissistic all over. How can someone's head swell so much."

Everyone started laughing...

"Fine, fine. We'll do as you say. I'll talk to Bella's principal and hire someone good. My son should get the best there is", Helen said also with a smirk.

Narcissism runs in the family. Mia clung onto Logan's neck and said," Big brother, you are so cool."

"I have to be cool. I am your brother after all",Logan said pinching her nose.

"You'll make my nose big. Stop doing that big brother." Hearing that he just couldn't help but do it once again.


Thank you all for the overwhelming support. It's my first time being a author. Hope you bear with my mistakes and support me going ahead. The story will be different from Jay Aslan for those who think this way. May be some of you are already seeing the difference. Ofcourse the genre will lead to some similarities. I can't help with that. Plz vote and review the novel.

Thank you all. Have a positive day ahead. Peace out.