The Contract.

Any model dreams of signing his or her's first modelling contract. Whether it is a small agency or an international one, every agency has their own unique contract. It may differ from agency to agency. There are various types of contracts. A mother agency contract. An exclusive contract. A non-exclusive contract.

A Mother agency contract is mostly favoured by small to medium tiered agencies. Such agencies promote their models to bigger, international agencies. The cut they take from the job is included in the cut the bigger agency deducts from the model's earnings. So the model doesn't have to pay extra.

An exclusive contract when signed, the model cannot sign with other agencies or find his own work. But the resources given by the agency are the best. The promotion given to such a model is something that can only be dreamt by a non-exclusive contract model.

A non-exclusive contract is just the opposite of an exclusive contract.

Logan and Jenkins were seated at the table, with a contract from Starlight Fashion agency in front of them. Starlight Fashion agency was a mid tiered agency, hence the contract given was a mother agency contract.

According to the contract,the agency would promote Logan to higher markets with considerable resources. The contract was for a period of 4 years. The agency will get Logan atleast 10 gigs a year, from which agency will get a commission of 10%. The commission of 10% will be inclusive of the mother agency and other agencies they promote Logan to. The contract included a non disclosure agreement and also included behaviour clause. According to this clause, Logan had to maintain his image in public and not do or say anything to defame or harm the agency's perception in public. What was surprising was that, the agency had included a signing bonus of two thousand dollars. This was a rare thing for such a novice model. Ofcourse the contract also included the one month training period.

Everything about the contract was satisfactory to Logan. There were no ambiguous sentences nor anything that seemed odd. The only thing that bothered Logan, was the time period of the contract. After checking everything Logan and Jenkins arrived in the Amanda's office. The office had a pleasant and peaceful ambience. Behind a mahogany table, sat Amanda going through some documents. She greeted them both and said:" Is the contract to your liking Logan? I think the agency has been quite generous towards you."

"For a newbie like me, this is quite a satisfactory contract Amanda. I am fortunate to have been scouted by you."

Jenkins said,"Amanda, we like the contract overall. The only problem is the contract period. We would like to have it changed to 2 years. Also my client will be starting school next year. So the agency must adjust his job accordingly. Other than that we have no objections."

Amanda had been in plenty of contract negotiations and had seen plenty of worthy models so she understood Logan's though process. She knew Logan would soar high in to the sky.

She gave it a thought and said," I already know that Logan would be starting school next year, so you don't have worry about his schedule. That will be under my supervision. As for the time period, we'll change it it to 2 years but the commission will be raised to 15%. How about that?"

Jenkins looked at Logan to whom Logan gave a nod.

"We have a deal then."

Logan stood up and shook Amanda's hand saying," Let's have a healthy relationship going forward"

Just for safety, Logan had already taken photos of the contract and sent it to his father to find if there were any hidden legal bindings. His father had already given him the green light. Logan signed the contract and then shook Amanda's hand, which had been captured on the phone camera by Jenkins. This was to fulfil his mother's desire to capture every small important events. Logan rolled his eyes at the thought of how his mom had nagged about taking a picture at the advertisement contract signing. She had sternly said that this was his first ad contract so he had to capture the moment. He had thought, that was the end of it until this morning when she said this was the first modelling contract so he had to save this moment too. He had no reply to this. Instant K.O. He obviously felt warmth inside. This motherly love would never smother him.

After the contract was signed, Jenkins dropped Logan at his home. They would be starting the training after the New Year's Eve. He had decided that he would be uploading another original song on his YouTube channel tonight. His mum had prepared a good meal to celebrate his signing. She was happy that her son was moving ahead in his life and doing what he loved the most. Ofcourse Logan had gotten Mia's favourite ice-cream on the way back home. She was currently in Logan's embrace chirping how Logan was the best brother in the world and that he should always be bringing her such things . For a 8 year old, she was quite adept to flattery.

After the meal, Logan uploaded his original, 'The Rise'. This was an inspirational song about how one should rise above one's failure. He had written this song in his previous life. Failures had become very common to him. He strived hard without any good results. This song was written back then. This was one of the five songs he had obtained the copyrights to.

An hour into uploading the video, he already had 500,000 views. Comments had started rolling in.

Logan had quite a following now on his social media accounts. He had some really loyal followers. He had followed them back. They were his first fans. He knew a few of them who always supported his songs.

Kaylasmith45, treadstone23, laylasimmons24, jaredsmith64, etc etc. Logan now knew these were his loyal fans.

Kaylasmith45- he is so gorgeous that I want to cry.

laylasimmons24- this song is so inspiring. I am studying for my bar exams. I'll be listening to this whenever I feel depressed.

Treadstone23- this song shows making of a new star. His songs are so unique. Mark my words the name Knight is going resound in the music industry.

Jaredsmith64- awesome song.@laylasimmons24 best of luck for your exams babe!!

Logan was so happy that he decided to upload another song from his past life. He always felt happy after reading comments on his songs. He had loved this next song in his past life. It had been quite popular then. He hoped that he could do justice to it.