Sex Goddess is pain in the ass, then what about Sex Divinity duo combo? Old dragon, protect your race! Go, go~~

Xue Ren's home is hidden in the mountains that are the border that splits two empires territories. On the peak that was reaching the clouds, Xue Ren had a lot of small wooden houses and his own, big one that sometimes collided with clouds themselves, reminding him about his enemy.

Cloud God.

Still, right now, this big wooden house had a lot of people inside standing closely to each other and looking at their master, Xue Ren.

Those maids were all slaves... Xue Ren upon arriving to the Corrum Continent immediately charged forward to the Violae Empire borders to began slaughter. Back then, he still wasn't thinking calmly resulting in getting a lot of enemies...

Literally, every force in the Corrum Continent knew about him and regarded him as their enemy.