Where is Big Brother? Tsk! Excalibur, go and play with your sister! No, Para-baka! I want to keep watching! Huh?

"Where is Big Brother?"

Little Moonrose asked with slight pout. She was looking around for Xue Ren, her little hands opening every door to maid's houses without any problems. The small dragon was strong enough to jump for at least 3 meters, her reaching the door handles was no problem at all!

"Master left to take care of his business."

Yoshiuu said softly as it was her job right now to look after silver-haired kid. Moonrose has grown yet again and if one looked from afar, one would think she is at least eleven years old. But recently it looked like her growth stopped, at least for a while! This while was another five years though...

"What business? Will he come back today?"

"Today or tommorow, Young Miss."

"That's not fluffy!"