Two alchemists

Another day!

Xue Ren had spent the day and night with Moonrose and as he woke up, the dragon lady was still sleeping soundlessly as she just had a lot of pleasure and fun with her big brother! It was especially cute how she held his arm as if not letting go to other ladies.

Letting out a chuckle, Xue Ren leaned down to kiss the dragon's forehead, then quietly left the bed as Moonrose smile grew wider! Looks like she felt the kiss!

And the day starts with the coffee once again!

"Let's check the basement's teleport."

Yes, Xue Ren had put the teleport to the vampire's world in his basement. It was quite big, so he had the help of ladies, but the most important thing was to connect it with his own tattoo. Whether Luxuria has noticed this or not, didn't matter at all.