The two abilities of Sex God's divine bed.

The divine bed of Sex God!

It was his divine equipment, big and wide bed that was soft as lady itself. One could sunk into the fluffiness here, but Xue Ren was right now focusing on its abilities... Well, for now, he had only realized one of its abilities.

The energy nourishment... or something like that.

There wasn't any name popping out in his mind, so Xue Ren just named it simply and watched the effects unfolding on his side while up above, the beautiful face of blond beauty was currently getting messed up by his thrusts from below.

Her rolled eyes would scary most of the young ladies, but those experienced or at least knowledgeable would definitely wish to change places with Maria and roll their eyes just like she.

"The vampire related items... are getting nourished at decent pace, but others..."