My size

The building of his own lightning tower is going to take some time for sure. Kuzan was working efficiently as he had nothing better to do. Other than cigarettes, the second had yet to propely raise his strength.

As his long hair fluttered, Kuzan could sense someone from behind.

Turning around, it was newly mother.

"Here. Thanks for your hard work, Kuzan."

She passed him lighting ore. Then, the ore got liquified which ended up going straight into Kuzan's mouth. In his body that was formed by various nature attributes, this liquid could be called water! Drinking this, he sneered and spoke.

"Better this than nothing."

"Since you can also use lightning, treat this tower as yours as well. Also, I am cooking right now, so you can call me at anytime."

"Your cooking sucks. Train this just like you do your lightning, otherwise, snow woman will take the kitchen forever. Pffff!~~ Blurgh!"

The sound of slap echoed throughout the whole world.