The Fifth Throne awakens

Three years passed.

Whole three years full of pleasure and pride.

"Daddy, it's hatching."

Pride from his daughter being so smart was the best feeling Xue Ren had ever experienced.

She was close to four years old yet the little princess was already speaking fluently. Her lightning was in good control after all blood baths and her experiences! Xue Yu was also not slapping any women unless they interrupted her time with father.

It didn't matter what was the reason.

If someone stepped into her and daddy, the slap is unstoppable!

"I see~~ Wonders bloodline is flowing through this egg, so this pet has the same power like my Miya, your aunt-"

"Daddy, I want to know more about wonders bloodline!"

"They focus on fear. Evoking fear in others is the asset of the strongest Wonders Demons. Mmm~~ Your aunt Miya has 10th pillar which should be one of-"

"Daddy, do they use this on themselves?"