Xue Yu loses herself

"Mr... Xue Ren."

"What is it?"

One of the vampires looked at Xue Ren with strange eyes. He was nervous, way too nervous, and as he had attention of Sex God on himself, his body felt getting smaller from all these emotions. Naturally, Xue Ren, as this sex god, could see his desires.

"I don't care about these women. If you want to keep them, then make sure that they don't escape."

Not only this man had those eyes. Many vampire males felt the desire to go for their victims in the similar way to the white bears. After all, throughout the years, the vampire race had also lost a lot of beauties and young promising warriors.

Everyone was doing this, but as Xue Ren took most of their women for himself, they felt that they should ask if the doesn't want them first. They felt like this matter is even more important than gathering all the blood and meat for their survival.

Well, they are hungry lustful males.

"Thank you, Mr. Xue Ren!"