Ruler ran away from the responsibilites

It was hard for Harillia to hold herself back.

And as he appeared on the stage itself, the lady also became similar to other elves, quickly getting swallowed by the desire to save her race. That's why, she used her arrow qi instantly to which Mr. Koroe noticed it likewise instantly.

"Oh? Are you the one who killed Koas? No, it shouldn't be you."

Arrow Qi is definitely unique thing for a medium world. As Koroe looked deeply into Harillia, he noticed that her powers are around Black Rank and her arrow qi is even lower than that. It was just mere support, but this 'mere support' would be enough to take down everyone in this medium world.

Everyone except divine death warriors and commanders.

Feeling as if she might know something, Koroe raised his hand towards her. There was a possibility of the elven queen passing down the qi, but it was fine to catch this little elf to question her! His pale hand became slightly darker as he sent out his skill.