The bird helps

Upon leaving the world tree, Xue Ren closed his eyes to feel the world more thoroughly! It's the world where the queen herself lives, so just by feeling the nature around, Xue Ren could tell that the world is bigger than the most he had visited.

It's energy reserves were truly rich, so here, the queen was indomitable for sure.

"What now, huh..."

Stretching his body, Xue Ren muttered softly as there were still few things needed to be done before he leaves this world! First thing actually is related to this!

How can he find the elven worlds after he gets the origin flames?

The coordinations of the molten world of the legendary race is known by Xue Ren, so he can just go to some random world, create a portal with his resources and step into it... The worst thing is that he is going to get noticed, but with the moon abilities slowly being comprehended by him, it might be not impossible to sneakily enter the world.