Ice Beauties Trait

"Ren, what are you going to do with the phoenix man?"

Di Xun asked as speaking of fluffiness too much might make her too jealous. Though she had experienced the same treatment, the lady would lie if she wasn't that jelaous. She is a woman after all.

Nevertheless, Di Xun is wise just like everyone else, so they took it slowly.

While hugging Eleonora, Xue Ren glanced at the small prison that held the phoenix man. He was all tied up, his eyes shaking as if begging to just kill him. The Sex God was far from feeling any sympathy, and just asked his Miss Goddess Lightning back.

"Can you extract his royal bloodline?"

"Of course. No matter what kind of bloodline, we can do it, right, Sister Maria~~?"

"Yes~~ It's easy feat."

"Haha~~ Then I would like you to waste some of your time on this idiot. I will show the place for our fairies."