Xue Ren vs Yoras - The beginning

Reincarnation Outburst.

The moment Xue Ren spoke these words, his body got enveloped in high power that was coming both from his own body and the sky itself! As Yoras raised his eyes up, he could see three cracks spreading widely.

These cracks began showering Xue Ren with a lot of powers that caused his body to change!

Not only he lost his human self, he was properly mixing these energies forming something akin to new living being.

'I can feel your qi... Uris.'

These were the powers of his reincarnations! Xue Ren was taking everything from the 3rd, 4th and 5th thrones! Both from the yellow river and his own thrones within his body! The thrones completely cracked, releasing everything along with the memories and experiences.

While Xue Ren was experiencing the past, his body naturally began releasing everything starting from the first to the fifth reincarnation.