I am Victorious

Xue Ren was in a new world with a bright blue sky and fresh air.

After the darkness world where even air could transmit it, Xue Ren felt like 'alive' person, but the sight of victorious wife reminded him about the mission. She appeared next to him, then grasping his hand, the lady stood like the best wife out there.

It was rather cute side, so Xue Ren tightened the grasp and both of them ventured outside.

Their current location was near an unknown city that was bustling with a life. It was quite a big city that could hold a lot of beasts... The sight of 'humanoid beasts' and half-human half beast was the only sight here.

It was pretty hard to spot either a full human form beast or a pure one.

This caused Xue Ren to feel like he is going to end up gathering a lot of attention if the things stood this way. Thus, he used a bloodline of Sho Yue that was rather a weak one... All weak cause Xue Ren just had to pay a lot of attention to other bloodlines!