The darkness world's core taken! A broken piece!

It would be too wasteful to kill them on the spot though.

Xue Ren just utilized his ruler's powers and corrupted the shadow divinities thoroughly. He turned them straight into the shadow puppets just like the rest of the shadow world! It was quite a pitiful fall indeed.

From the darkness royalty to the shadow puppets that are everywhere in the darkness world.

Such falls are common though.

As the control over darkness palace got secured, Xue Ren turned his attention to the knife goddess and her descendants... Since she was a divinity herself, the lady had that high resistance against his corruption and could properly protect herself.

But it was a matter of time before she fell to Xue Ren and Eva.

After all, her powers were obviously limited to the point where her descendants couldn't rely on her and vice versa, she couldn't even protect them!