Xue Ren sends his forces, then goes for the lightning ruler!

After reuniting with Adrana and losing in the pleasure, Xue Ren went outside. The lesser demons were still bowing and waiting for his presence. As for Lektros, this man was screaming somewhere far away.

The necessary task of Xue Ren was to deal with the sins powers. He can do it easily by working with Superbia and joining up with her. This was for later. The Sex God also had to visit other universe which has elements to boost the ranks of his ladies.

It was the initial plan, but there are three elements with the ruler aspects left yet!

That's why, Xue Ren decided to use his huge army and the new forces which had joined up his universe. He had a lot of powers, so instead of working all by himself, Xue Ren decided to split up the forces.

There were wind ruler and the wind divine alliance waiting for Xue Ren's forces now.

There were earth ruler and earth divine alliance waiting for Xue Ren's forces now.