The last reincarnation, Ruler. - (1/8 - The End)

Misha joined the family and on the spot became pregnant.

The situation of hers was unique, but many ladies were jealous. The reason was obvious, but Xue Ren promised to give them the best daughters in the future! This future is very close one, as he just has to deal with a few things.

He got control over the heaven, then Misha used her angel powers to rule the angels!

No one could withstand her!

The heaven became part of Xue Ren's world just like the hell, but they had to be far away as the enmity was still here. Still, Xue Ren used this chance to properly digest the heavenly ruler part and get stronger.

He had also a lot of love with his ladies and ten pillars.

Everything was victorious and full of happiness.

Then, it was time to seal the deal with the coffin bastards! They had attacked in the past, so now, it was time for Xue Ren to send his forces here. However, Xue Ren felt his heart shaking before his adventure.